Hetalia Asylum start

Feb 27, 2011 14:26

Well, everybody, first up, this is my very first post, so I'm completely new to this. If you have any advice to how I can improve it, feel free to give it to me. Now, here's some luxury for you: The Sims 3 with all expansions! I'm afraid the text will be Swedish due to, well, I am Swedish, but I'll translate important stuff. Also, the images are rather dark (as in DARK dark, not mature content dark), but I don't know a way to fix it, so, well, sorry. The goal of this asylum is, like in The Sims 2, to fulfill the playable Sim's lifetime wish. Now, without further ado, let's try this! First: Say hello to my playable sim!

America! Now, let's take a look at the rules.

"Create your Sim in CAS. They must be an Adult or Young Adult. You can choose whatever you want for looks, clothing, voice, and favorites. They must have the traits Loser and Insane. The other three can be whatever you want, but you cannot use Brave or Daredevil. Once you have selected all five traits, roll a dice to determine the Lifetime Wish. You must select the wish that corresponds with the number you chose. If you roll a 6, roll again until you get a number between 1 and 5. If the LTW you roll has to do with marriage/babies/roommates or anything with multiple Sims, such as Gold Digger or Heart breaker, roll again."

Okay, here's the translation of his traits and Life Time Wish.

Athletic - Athletic Sims are the best athletes in town. They can push themselves harder and longer than others, and will do so to feel the burn.
Insane - Insane Sims respond to events in life unpredictably. They say what they want, do what they want and even wear what they want. Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
Excitable - Your Sim will cheer for and be excited about doing the basic things in life. Yay! Wooo!
Loser - Losers encounter woe and misfortune throughout their lives beginning with school and continuing into their careers. They will fail and fail often. They won't get mad even when life falls apart. They'll just cry.
Star Quality - Sims with Star Quality will surely get into the limelight. They have an easier time to become friends with celeberties at climb the ladder towards star status.
International Super Spy - Reach level 10 in the Spy branch of the Law Enforcement career.

Now what next? "Create 7 other Sims. They can be an Adult or Young Adult. Each of them must have the traits Insane, Hates The Outdoors, and Absent-Minded. The other two traits can be anything you want. You cannot have the trait Natural Cook however, as this would make Sims unable to start fires on the stove! You can customize their looks, clothing, voice, and favorites however you want. It doesn't matter what you choose for their LTW, as you won't be playing these seven Sims. Only one out of the eight Sims can have the Kleptomaniac trait, and only one out of the eight Sims can have the Mooch trait. You cannot use Brave or Daredevil."

Okay, now here's our other Sims and their traits:

Childish - Childish Sims find it difficult to 'act their age'. They love playing with children's toys, see things through the eyes of a child and need to be constantly entertained.
Hates the Outdoors - Sims that hate the outdoors despise being outside and will always remain indoors whenever possible.
Evil - Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life of as far away from goodness as possible.
Absent-minded - Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going.

Mean Spirited - Mean Spirited Sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl. They take satisfaction with every new enemy made and dream of new ways to be nasty to others.
Hates The Outdoors
Unflirty - Unflirty Sims do not appreciate the romantic advances of others and will be difficult to woo. It's not that they don't want to love, just that it's difficult for them.

Never Nude - Never Nudes despise nudity and will never, ever, completely remove all of their clothing.
Hates The Outdoors
Virtuoso - Virtuosos have a natural gift with musical instruments and are often considered the best musicians. As such, they earn more as musicians when playing for tips and learn more quickly.

Photographer's Eye - Sims with the Photographer's Eye naturally learn photography more quickly than other Sims and tend to earn more Simoleons for the photos they take!
Hates the Outdoors
Hot-Headed - Hot headed Sims are quick to anger. Broken household items, conversations gone awry or even the slightest negative moodlet will all send them into a boiling rage.

Flirty - Your Sim can flirt with Sims early in a relationship. Your Sim's flirts will be accepted much more often! Your Sims is particularly gifted of giving massages!
Hates The Outdoors
Charismatic - Your Sim gains charisma skill more quickly. Your Sim gets more out of relationships than other Sims.

Family-Oriented - Family-Oriented Sims make great parents. They have big families and enjoy being surrounded by their children.
Hates The Outdoors

Hates The Outdoors
Hopeless Romantic - Hopeless romantics passionately seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels.
Neurotic - Neurotic Sims will freak out at the most minor of provocations. They can become stressed easily and can be difficult to mellow. Luckily they take solace in sharing their worries with others.
And that's all!

Now for the HARD part. Making the house. I SUCK at making houses. Well, let's get it over with... Here's the restrictions for the house.
  • All objects, excluding plants, décor and lighting must be placed inside of the building.
  • Custom content is allowed if it is from the Sims Store.
  • You can have no more than 5 'bed spots'. For example, you could have 5 single beds, or 2 doubles and a single.
  • There can only be total seating for 6. That includes couches, lounges and chairs. If you have a dining table with 4 chairs then you may not use a couch that seats 3.
  • You may have only 1 piece of nap-able furniture (excluding beds), so if you have a couch then you may not have a recliner and vice versa.
  • Only 1 toilet, 1 sink and 1 tub. For the tub you can have a tub or a shower or a tub/shower combo. You cannot have both a tub and a shower unless it is a combo.
  • You may only have a total of 5 Skill Building items in the house, so choose wisely at the start. You can have a bookcase, however, and this will not count towards this skill total.
  • If you want a TV, you must purchase the cheapest one; but no other electronics/entertainment are allowed - no mp3 player, no hand-held games, no video games, no pool table, etc. If you choose to get a TV, you cannot have a computer.
  • You may have a computer, but only one. It must be on a desk with a chair so that it is accessible to any of the patients. You can use this for the writing skill. If you choose to get a computer, you cannot have a TV.
  • You can have as many phones as you want. But due to the shoddiness of the asylum, no burglar alarm, no smoke detector and no sprinklers.
  • You must have the cheapest stove. You cannot have more than one.
  • The lot must be fully fenced in. You may have a gate for your Sim to go in and out of when necessary.
  • You can only have one fridge.

Okay, I've done my best. And before you say anything, remember that I'm not used to building. Here's the house:

Here's the rules!

  • The 8 Sims cannot be related.
  • You cannot play the other 7 Sims. You can't even click on their picture. They cannot get jobs and they cannot leave the Asylum.
  • You may only leave the asylum to work or to go get a job. You may also leave to get groceries or go to the book store, but that's all.
  • You may have other Sims visit. You can even date other Sims as long as you don't leave the lot.
  • No maid, no gardener, no repair person, no exterminator. You can not have a baby or move anyone else into the lot even if someone else dies.
  • If anyone dies (other patients or visitors) you must leave their tombstone on the lot and allow the ghost to roam freely. Congrats, you now have a haunted asylum.
  • If a patient dies, you must delete 1 bed and 1 seat (until you only have one of each left).
  • Once you are finished building and furnishing the house, you must reduce your funds to $100. You can do this by purchasing fish and releasing them into water.
  • You can buy more objects if you have enough money, with the exception of: beds, seating, toilets, sinks, tubs, showers, entertainment, skill items, or electronics (except phones).
  • No rearranging of furniture to reserve or use something for yourself. For example, you can not move the TV into a bedroom and turn it on just to get an uncontrollable patient out of bed so you can sleep in the bed. Nor can you remove a door so others can't gain access to the bathroom so you can use it when you come home from work.
  • You may not buy any objects that serve any purpose other than décor after beginning the challenge - including surfaces, seating, skill objects. You may buy windows, flooring, wallpaper, pictures, plants, lights and pretty knickknacks after starting. So choose wisely grasshopper. The exceptions being that you may replace stolen or repossessed items as long as you buy the exact same item. If an uncontrollable Sim gets an opportunity, you must ignore it. However, you can accept opportunities if they are your own Sim (but remember, you can only go to your house, the bookstore, and the grocery shop!)
  • Each night at 12:00 AM Sim time, you are permitted to pause the game and clear out anything that the inmates have put in their inventories - books, guitars, newspaper, etc. However, you may not take out food, seeds, or any other objects a Kleptomaniac may have received.
  • You must have the free will set to High Free Will. Sim Lifespan can be whatever you want. Aging must be on.
  • You can not use your inventory to reserve items for yourself. For example, you can't put a book or guitar in your inventory just so no one else can put it in theirs. If one of the unplayable Sims wanders off the lot, you don't have to do anything. They will come back eventually since they Hate The Outdoors.

Now let's start!

lithuania, hetalia, belarus, hungary, russia, england, america, austria, france, the sims 3

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