Hetalia Asylum Week 1 Day 7

Mar 31, 2014 16:30

Hungary, dear, I know you have a total crush on him, but spying on him in his sleep isn't socially acceptable. Also, shouldn't you take advantage of that bed?

And a Sim follows my advice for once, stealing the bed right in front of poor Lithuania. Welp, you'll just have to sleep on the floor tonight!

And then Russia gets into a pranky mood and scares him. This is not Liet's, um, night.

And in the meantime, France is so desperate for food he even eats something not made by him!

And after France complains over Russia being mad (it's an asylum, dear, you're all mad there.), Russia promptly thinks that maybe flirting is the way to get back into his good graces. Unfortunately, not even France is interested in getting it from someone he just established to be totally cuckoo.

And for once, Lithuania actually gets better luck than Russia in something! Namely, the object of his affections is finally starting to forget about Russia and get a thing for him! ...Or she's sleepwalking and thinking he's actually Russia. Really, that seems more likely.

He then proceeds to clean up the mess caused by the eternally broken plumbing. I'm starting to like Lithuania, he's making relationshippy things happen and cleaning up messes.

In fact, he cleans so much it even gets in the way of others' cleaning!

And after America wakes up and I get him a little meal, I decide to do the screwing of the rules mentioned last time and send them all to the park to make up for the peaceful, no-mortality week you've been seeing so far and see our little inmates interact with the sane world. Yes, all of them. Moods are of no importance.

Except Austria doesn't seem to keen on going to the great outdoors. I can't say I'm surprised. Well, let him be a spoilsport, we're off to... Oh dear...

Yeah... It seems England had something in the oven when America dragged him off to for park funtimes. In my defence though, England was cooking. This would probably have happened any way.

And of course, it happens when the sim least adept at taking care of himself is the only one home.

As much as I like something finally happening, I'm sort of opposed to the whole house burning down since that would mean everyone dying a slow horrible death. While death is indeed a thing that happens in Asylum challenges, it's not very fun for everyone to die so early in the challenge. So I send America back home to take care of things, if we're lucky his hero instincts will take care of things and he won't die.

Well, the good news is that America actually succeeded with the whole hero thing for once and nobody died (or is that last part a bad thing?). I also got some insurance money out of it. The bad news is that the Asylum rules prohibit buying new furniture (other than decor) so I don't think I'm allowed to replace the stuff that burnt down. I can't afford a new stove anyway. They don't have any surfaces to cook anything on either, so it looks like people will have to make do with small meals in the future. I predict the death by starvation rate to go up. A lot. Or at least the mess rate, because there's now only one place to do the dishes and that's in the bathroom.

This, um... England, this is all your fault! Shame on you!

And on top of everything, Belarus loses control of her bladder, presumebly because I sent America to take a bath and she couldn't get into the bathroom. Well, I wanted stuff to happen, I guess I got it...

Austria deals with the situation the only way he knows how to deal with anything: playing the piano.

Also, France goes to get a juice, which shows me Sims at least know how to get small meals, so at least there's a chance they'll live.

And we got people here now for some reason. Maybe they're a very late welcome party, maybe they're gawkers who can somehow tell when someone's freaking kitchen is on fire. Nobody knows.

America: How are we going to survive without the OH MY GOD ICE CREAM! :DDDD *spends insurance money*
Alright, I directed him to do it, but like he wouldn't.

Also, England never made it back home with the others for some reason, so now he's here a while away from the house. He has the Hates The Outdoors trait so he SHOULD be getting home at some point, but when have Sims ever acted sensibly?

Also, I have America dissolve the group and they rated it so-so. The outing during which they barely got anything done and their house burnt down. These are some very easily impressed people.

Just in case, though, I have America call him home.
America: It's alright, dude, I don't think anybody hates you for destroying the kitchen and making our lives even worse.
America: Um, I'm losing the connection, bye!

This isn't an update of all bad news though. America got another skill point in Handiness due to his constant repairing, and he can now make things self-cleaning! Woot! I'll get to that once I've had him study that last Logic point he needs for promotion.

France: *whispering* Do you want to put rat traps in Angleterre's bed for destroying the kitchen?
Lithuania: Didn't America-
France: Yes, but I would much rather taking revenge on Angleterre.

Lithuania: The most advanced thing we can eat soup in a can and you want to focus on taking revenge?!

He then proceeds to go watch TV despite being tired. Sounds sane enough.

Before America could earn his coveted Logic point, however, he got tired and I want to keep at least someone's motives on a managable level.

Lithuania, who at this point has finally understood that you go to bed when you're tired, does not approve of all the beds being taken, and lets out his anger at an oblivious America.

Hungary handles her awake time a bit more efficently and cleans away the ashes from the fire. But she doesn't seem to grasp that just because she can't move the fridge out of the way (although I wouldn't be surprised if she was able to), that doesn't mean she can't clean away the ashes in front and to the side of the fridge. And I doubt any of them will grasp that, so there they will presumebly stay, reminding me of my... of England's failure.

Finally, the lack of charitable roommates is too much for Lithuania, and he passes out on the floor. Oh, suck it up, you've been part of the Soviet Union, I'm sure you've had worse.

You know, dude, there's a couch right in the next room. I know it's not a bed, but one would think it'd at least be good enough for someone passing out on the floor.

It's not until 5 AM we finally get a free bed.
England: I've been sleeping next to the frog all night? I'd better slap him when he wakes up, just in case...

Well, after he's had some breakfast (read: some juice) that is. You need energy to punish your worst rival for his hypothetical perviness.

And at that rate, I love you and leave you. See you next time for the start of week two!

lithuania, hetalia, belarus, hungary, russia, england, america, austria, france, the sims 3

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