Jen has often said of me "Shayna knows everything. She understands every situation, perfectly reads everyone's character, and is certain of how she feels. Shayna knows everything ... until she doesn't." Characterized as only a best friend could.
I think I am not the only person like this. To some people everything is black and white. Not to say that they wouldn't concede the point if it became apparent that they were wrong. But the likelihood of chiseling through all that surety to create enough free space to deliver the point is so slim that it often feels the argument isn't worth the effort. And so my kind and I are left "knowing" everything simply because we've never known anything different ... yet.
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One of the great tradgedies of female youth is as it draws towards the gates of adulthood a girl finds herself with fewer dress up occasions to look forward to. I cannot pretend a little piece of me didn't die the morning after my senior prom when I realized my wedding dress was the only poofy skirt left on the horizon. That is all that is left to break up the otherwise dull life of Tshirts and blue jeans that will drone on long after my dress up days would typically be declared over. It was on this thought that I went to Sammi's closet, where my old prom dresses and chorus costumes still hang, and it was there that I was struck by an idea.
Jen, Debbie, Sammi, and I went out tonight ... in our prom dresses ^.^
I was personally beside myself with pride when the lady in Walmart asked what we were all dressed up for and I got to announce
! This turned out to be not as well thought out as the rest of my plan and everyone but Debbie later fell ill due to bad fast food. It might have been worth it though with all the attention we received there. After telling a few more people the truth Debbie informed me that we were telling everyone else who asked we had just come from a photo shoot.
Incidently, we did have a bit of a photo shoot. After dinner we went to
and took as many pictures as we could until it became darker than my poor little camera could handle. As Debbie said, we can now scratch one of the things off our life's to-do list. Personally I'm interested how formalwear can make an otherwise dull evening something worthy of a life's to-do list. Moral of the story? I am going to need more opportunities to play dress up.