The theme of this weekend has been that from every nasty storm cloud (even the hurricanes that pussy out and leave me sleeping on a concrete floor for no reason) brings w/ it a little glimmer ... if you look there is always something good.
I went out of Saturday night and noticed my complete lack of distraction, even more strange was the fact that this didn't bother me. There was a little gab into my emptiness as words were repeated telling me stories I already knew ... but it's different when you hear them out loud. And this whole situation is so inconsequential that I feel silly for caring enough to meantion. But that night I became quite disenchanted and as a direct result began to long for walks to nowhere and phone conversations about nothing.
But I couldn't have that either. I got the best dosage of my drug that I could via cell phone and played strong, telling myself that would have to be enough for now. And in the end I know I shouldn't complain ... because these distractions only come and go as a buffer to my something real.
And so it was off to the Communications building, our shelter from hurricane Francis. (Francis btw is a latin name that apparently means "made ya look" ... go figure.) The floor was far from comfortable and I cannot begin to tell you how tired I am of movies and protein bars. I was so bored, I've never eaten so much in one sitting in my whole life. Hopefully I put on a pound or two. One of the stranger situations I had been in. But ah, the silver lining. I met a handful of very interesting people ... they're rather entertaining too when they're not playing Halo or that damn dungeon game. They live up in the apartments on campus and phone numbers were exchanged and I have a feeling we will be seeing more of these boys in future entries.
The last storm cloud in my weekend came last night when I came home and tried to make a mood from mine and Jen's bad ass secret mission cooler than anyone else's mood thingy ... and it was gone. The silver lining came an hour or so later when I found a new way ... one who 1000s of different outfits! TAKE THAT OLD AVATARS!
Current Mood:
rising above