Aug 07, 2004 10:32
Last night i went out
And picked up Charlotte
and we jamed in the car lol
and charlotte thinks i should play the drums cuz i look so cute when i pretend lol
then we went to sk8 night and met up with Ashliegh H, Jr, Ashley G, Ashley M, Olivia, Amy, and some others
Gosh it was so great to hang out with them again
And everyone but Charlotte is going to a different school than me.
So we skated, and we ate and joked around and hung out in the grrls room lol yeh ummm just remember when u go into one of those things lock the door lol me ashleigh and amy were going into one and um there was someone in there. and yeh they didnt close the door lol
and yeh we all took pics which once i get em from ashy ill post:)
But wow. i love my friends lol
So we had a pretty good time hanging out and stuff
and had some pretty weird conversations..haha
Yeh and ashy told me some things i rllllly did NOT need to know :( but its pimp lol
And..hmm..then charlottes dad picked us up and hehe we had a lil duette (sp?) together. lol we sang Girls lie too :) yeh man lol
yeh then i stayed up til 2 reading and watching degrassi :)
fun stuff lol but yeh im out
love yall
"oh yeh i do that with my guy friends too...OMG NO! not in the slutty way!!!!!!" ahahahaha yall so got the wrong impression
:-p it was pretty funny though.
and amy and ashleigh. nothing that we talked bout leaves that table :)