Oct 13, 2005 18:39
I don't feel like putting everything together into an interesting narrative today so i'm just going to list what is going on in my life. Everyone ready?:
*Midterm tomorrow in American Lit, I know I'm going to do fine, but important tests always manage to freak me out. I convince myself I don't know as much as I think I do.
*I've skipped the majority of my classes this week, for some reason I can't get out of bed in the mornings. I feel kind of slothy and only interested in what's on cable television.
*I don't yet have a halloween costume yet, i'm tossing ideas around in my head but nothing seems to be panning out. It's so hard to find afforable costume ideas, I mean I can spend money with the best of them when it comes to clothes, but a costume I'll only wear once seems a little ridiculous to blow money I don't have on. Also I'm not really the costume type, I'd much rather just wear my own clothes.
*I feel kind of blah, it's this semi sick feeling, where I know nothing is probably wrong with me, but I keep convincing myself that it's lukemia or some kind of horrible disease. I have chapped lips and I'm convinced I'm dying.
*This weekend is going to blow my socks off, because I get to see matt and v and sage francis, and spend time with Niki and Mullen, and do so many fun things, but the weekend seems so far away...i feel like it's never coming.
*Also everything Brent does I feel like he's being mean to me, which he probably is.
So that's it..my boring update.