Nov 22, 2004 12:22
in a public library typing this entry, not because my computer at home isn't working, but i'm taking some time out to be alone. no brent, no roommates, no talking, just me chilling in the library looking up stuff on-line and reading Tom Robbins. A part of me really digs being alone in public. It's cool to just spend time with your thoughts every once and awhile. I went to my classes but I for some reason I don't feel like going home. It's got nothing to do with my roommates or Brent, I just can't force myself to pack up and leave the library. Maybe it is time to go home.
We had this lecture today in my speech comm class about friendships; how we communicate in them, how you make friends, the human condition, etc. but then we discussed the cycle of friendships and how all personal relationships are bound to end. we go from telling each other everything to this feeling of not really knowing the people you used to call friends. it made me wonder if I'm losing touch with any of my friends; and if I am is that just something that has to happen or can it be prevented. it's an interesting topic, but one of those ones that is only interesting because it makes you feel so bad about things.
in other news the jewel in my nose piercing fell out again and I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of sign. also brent and tony dragged me along to see the movie Saw. Needless to say i'm sleeping with the light on, but in some weird change of events it kind of made me appreciate life a little more. well that's all, I better get back to my new vocation as a library troll.
much love.