LJ Override: I MISS YOU

Nov 18, 2006 16:50

This is for the Dong Bang fans! <3

Style: S2 Smooth Sailing
Account Types: Basic/Free and Paid
Compatible Browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer
Features: Dong Bang Shin Ki
Sidebars: None

I Miss You

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Please save to your computer and upload these to a host yourself. Do not direct link...otherwise everything dies...seriously! >.>









Installation Details
  1. Log-in to your LJ account
  2. Go to Manage >> Customize Journal
  3. In Basics set the Style System to S2, then go to Look and Feel and set the Layout and Language to Smooth Sailing
  4. In Custom Options click on Menu and make sure that the Memories is turned off to NO, this step is very important, otherwise your menu will...KILL THE LAYOUT. (frankly speaking...)
  5. Go to Custom CSS and check No and No in that order.
  6. Copy the desired override and paste into the Custom Stylesheet section.

  2. Do NOT alter the oveerides in anyway - that includes changing the header. Colours and background image I'll accept. Cos I'm pro-gangster *cough*
Got A Question? There's a Problem? Comment.

- Comment and credit sothery if taking.
- Direct linking my images is BAD.
- Stealing is not classified as cool and you will be buried alive if you do.
- No repackaging of overrides. Repackage and DIE!
- Resource Post & Tags.
- Crediting Tutorial.
- Feel free to friend this journal for updates.

smooth sailing, yunho, yoochun, jaejoong, templates, junsu, changmin, dbsk, overrides, s2

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