This is for the Dong Bang fans! <3
Style: S2 Smooth Sailing
Account Types: Basic/Free and Paid
Compatible Browsers:
Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer
Features: Dong Bang Shin Ki
Sidebars: None
I Miss You
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Please save to your computer and upload these to a host yourself. Do not direct link...otherwise everything dies...seriously! >.>
Installation Details
- Log-in to your LJ account
- Go to Manage >> Customize Journal
- In Basics set the Style System to S2, then go to Look and Feel and set the Layout and Language to Smooth Sailing
- In Custom Options click on Menu and make sure that the Memories is turned off to NO, this step is very important, otherwise your menu will...KILL THE LAYOUT. (frankly speaking...)
- Go to Custom CSS and check No and No in that order.
- Copy the desired override and paste into the Custom Stylesheet section.
- Do NOT alter the oveerides in anyway - that includes changing the header. Colours and background image I'll accept. Cos I'm pro-gangster *cough*
Got A Question? There's a Problem? Comment.
- Comment and credit
sothery if taking.
- Direct linking my images is BAD.
- Stealing is not classified as cool and you will be buried alive if you do.
- No repackaging of overrides. Repackage and DIE!
Resource Post &
Crediting Tutorial.
- Feel free to
friend this journal for updates.