Mar 02, 2011 19:20
Since I now actually have friends and am no longer a lurker in the Livejournal community, I figured I should share a little about myself. You know, in case you care or what not.
I like lists, so that’s how this is going to work. Kind of. I get a little distracted sometimes so it might change. Yeah, anyway, on to the main attraction.
- I like reading. A lot. Except I have absolutely no time to. The only book I have read in the last year was The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. And that was last Saturday. It’s brilliant by the way. I mean, of course it is, but yeah… I am taking a class on Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare’s Contemporaries, so it’s not like I’ve gone so long without reading that I don’t remember how to, just not stuff from the bookstore or whatnot.
- In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m a first year in Uni and going for a degree in Engineering. Which will hopefully change soon, but if you have read my previous post about talking to my mom, let’s just say it didn’t go as well as I would have liked. But never fear Livejournal friends! I’ll keep you updated.
- I would rather live in London.
- Fashion and status are a bigger deal to me than I like. But I can’t change that, I mean I could, but it would take a lot more work than I am willing to put into changing a part of myself that I really don’t feel needs to be changed.
- I tell people that partying and things that are involved in partying aren’t my scene, but really I am too scared to actually try it out.
- I’ve never been kissed, have been asked out but always turn them down, and my longest “relationship” was in high school and only lasted 3 days. Two of those days were the weekend. Apparently there are a few Daddy issues I need to work out. At least that’s that I’ve been told.
- If you met me in real life, you would not recognize me as the girl in this journal. I feel a certain freedom in the anonymity of the internet. That being said, I really hope nobody from RL sees this. That would be bad, as I will probably be sharing stuff that I otherwise wouldn’t.
- I am really into romance and love but I fear it will never happen for me.
- I have trust issues.
- I am getting way too intense for this post.
- Generally, I try to keep an optimistic, bubbly view on life, at least on the outside. Most people have no idea how messed up I can truly be. But that sounds worse than it is. I don’t want to sound like an angst driven teenager who needs help, because I’m not. I just have things in my life that need working through.
- My favorite TV shows are Merlin (I will marry Colin Morgan one day), White Collar, Chuck, Pretty Little Liars (Don’t judge) and Dr. Who.
- I apparently listen to Indie Rock, which is nice to finally know because I can now put a genre to the music I listen to (e.g. Phoenix, Matt and Kim, Bloc Party, Death Cab for Cutie, the Postal Service and more).
- I am seriously looking forward to going to law school.
- I will travel the world. I want to just take two years and go Everywhere.
- I am a dog person.
- I do not like organized religion. I believe what I believe. And I hate when people try to convert me. I don’t mind what you believe in fact I respect what you do as long as you respect what I do.
- Grammar is really important to me. Except when I blog, or write, or text. So really, it’s only when I am talking.
- I am a Vegetarian. And I love it.
- I am really good at making friends. I am really bad at keeping them. See above.
- I don’t have a Facebook. I know, scandalous right? Actually it’s the reason I am here. I need somewhere to turn to when I get the urge to Facebook. It has been going good so far. Deleted it 6 days ago and haven’t regretted it.
- It’s only me and my mom at home. Despite the fact that I am the youngest of five - I’ll probably get into that at some point.
- I am from the smallest town possible that can still be considered on the weather map on the news and I CANNOT wait to leave it. Even coming home for breaks feels stifling. I LOVE my university and the city it’s in and never, ever want to live in my hometown (or anything like it) ever again.
- I am a major Manchester City fan (football/soccer). Even though they like to disappoint me.
That’s all I can think of right now. More posts to come as I wean myself off of the Facebook addiction that is consuming my generation. Hope I still am interesting.
Love and <3,