Sysiphus shoudda' had a Subaru

Oct 02, 2007 23:11

3 bottles of Calamine lotion to combat the Poison Sumac I encountered the first time I found this gear__$9.75

1 formerly straight, 4 foot, solid steel wrecking bar; wrecked__$22.95

1 2 ton hand winch, bent, warped, stripped and shredded__$28.99

The satisfaction of finally getting the riverbank to cry “uncle” and gimme’ My Damn Gear , which looked like this when I first found it__Priceless!

And my car even forgave me for what I did to it! Although I do think I scared a couple of hikers as I was driving my car up the narrow muddy deer-trail, with a filthy 500lb gear hanging out of the back and the Happy-Bouncy Death-Metal sounds of FinnTroll blasting out the window; and a huge grin of triumph on my face, which must have looked rather frightening to the poor hikers. Oh well, what’s life without a few little surprises?

But I must admit while FinnTroll is great “Moment of Triumph” music, I tend to prefer the Heavy Metal Accordion sounds of Korpiklaani these days, but I had left their CD at home. So much for a “perfect moment”

But, since I have recently received a commission for a “Steampunk” styled knife, now I have an excuse (as if I needed one!) to go and root around the ruins of the mill’s workshop and look for “interesting and amusing bits of metal.” Yeah for more old nasty looking rusty meal bits!

And so now... I have two giant, rusty old gears, and each one weighs more than twice what I do! The one I retrieved from the river last year, and this new one. Um, do I feel special now? Is there perhaps a support group for Obsessive Collectors of Giant, Ancient Rusty Gears?

And speaking of amusing metal I have always liked the fact that in spite of being hugely successful, and very serious about their music, Rammstein has never taken themselves overly seriously. And so, when I came across this amusing snippet , which Rammstein actually linked to their official website; I had to watch… and was amused. You might be too, ya never know.
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