Once again,
Sweet Charity is holding an auction to benefit
RAINN, and bidding is open. I've enjoyed watching the vids and reading the fics that past auctions have produced, so this time I decided to pitch in.
I'm offering one podfic or set of podfics, up to 10,000 words. I have listed a number of fandoms I would be comfortable recording in, but if someone is willing to give me the Dummies 101 version of their fandom I'll try just about anything once. I haven't recorded anything NC-17 yet, but if that floats your boat, I'll give it a try.
Even if you aren't interested in bidding on my offer, there are a lot of other items available. Fic, vids, podfic, graphics, you name it. Or, if you feel the urge, you can still add items to the auction!
This entry was originally posted at