Warning: self-righteousness ahead (but what's new?)

Dec 04, 2007 08:13

So it looks like the end of Fall 07 is going to be relatively easy for me...
  • Español: Es facil y no tengo que preocuparme.
  • Geology: Minimal studying required.
  • Cartography: Finished my GPS project last night (easy squeezy) and my lab test will most likely be a breeze.
  • Conservation: Got excused from taking the final due to already having a high enough grade.
So... yeah. I'm basically done with all the hard stuff. Fall can kiss my ass. Bring on the Spring. Seriously, though, I'm proud of myself. When he told us that if our names weren't highlighted we didn't have to take the final last night I wanted to kiss myself or something... I took two 4xxx level classes this semester (for the first time) and did really well in both of them (A's I believe). My fears of not being smart enough to be a geography major can officially be put to rest. I don't expect it to be nearly this easy (especially after next sem.) for much longer but I proved to myself that I can do it. Sweet. I'm getting myself a massage (oooh... maybe in Portland???)

Lolz from last night:

Me: Lisa! What did you do to this cake!?!?!


Me: Yeah I know... I haven't gotten into one of my cleaning frenzies in a while...
Lisa: No, you haven't! You know what? You should take some adderall again!!!
Me: What? Lisa! You can't encourage me to take adderall just so I'll clean the apartment!
Lisa: Well...
Joy: What's adderall?
Me: Something you should never, ever take!
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