The pollen, perhaps? It is the only substance I have seen that has the ability to affect people both physically and mentally, though it is entirely possible it could be something we are not aware of.
[He pauses, a thought occurring to him.]
The forest was originally covered in a poisonous gas, was it not?
I believe so. From my own observations and what others have reported, it is the most likely culprit.
Lockon Stratos, a comrade of mine, was here while it was still present in the forest area. He was the one to claim such a thing, and I see no reason for him to lie about something of that nature.
No one has shown any symptoms, though it may have a long incubation period. I cannot say if the Intergalactic Alliance Interplanetary Corps concern is genuine or just protocol.
As far as I am aware with, no. It's possible the people who were on the ship before the crash would have a better chance of being acquainted with them.
[He pauses, a thought occurring to him.]
The forest was originally covered in a poisonous gas, was it not?
Was it? We stayed inside the ship for the most part, until it was no longer possible.
Lockon Stratos, a comrade of mine, was here while it was still present in the forest area. He was the one to claim such a thing, and I see no reason for him to lie about something of that nature.
Was anybody affected by the poison?
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