Mar 09, 2006 18:34
well usually i come on this thing 2 read others peoplz journals, but i have some free time (for once!) so now i'm updating my own. things are going fast...but at least they are going! i am hating on this quarter so much, but i know a lot of other people out there that feel the same i know that i'm not alone. i have been making progress in many facets of my life and i'm finally feeling it. i miss my family a lot-but they'll b comin 2 visit me-a rarity-but a good thing. physically i'm feeling better than i have in a long time-my body had forgotten what a good days workout felt like and i'm glad to feel the soreness of muscles i hadn't thought about in a while. i am soooo looking forward to spring quarter-the sunshine-the pools-the 13 units of fun! (well not really fun...but much better than this quarter) oh and by the way....IF ANYONE NEEDS A ROOM IN DAVIS--WE NEED YOU!