Aug 20, 2005 15:08
Letter #1, July 19, 2005
I'm really hoping that this gets to you before you go to Hawaii, cause if I remember right, you said you were leaving sometime this week. It's the seventh today, and it's about 6:45 your time (I took the watch you got me). Probably haven't slept in well over 24hrs, but its all good...I've probably eaten more the past hours than I normally do in a week. With my luck I'll come back as a heefer or something. Initially, everything up here totally sucked, but it's kinda turnin up. It sucks right now tho cause I've got P.T. at 4 in the damn morning...but o well. I'll live through. I was talkin to a shipmate of mine, and there's a possibility that my schools gonna be in Point Loma. Sleeping happens so fast that before I know it, I'm in front of my bunks at 4 am. Got guard duty tonight...woo...may be not. Moving barracks tomorrow and hopefully to cooler ones. I'd love to tell you more, but I've got guard duty on two hours and need some sleep, still loving you and missing you.
Letter #2, August 15, 2005
Wow...that last letter just about knocked my socks off. Sorry I couldn't write back sooner than now, last Sunday I had to stand 8-12 watch...which ate up almost all of my holiday routine. I was barely able to get a crappy short letter to home about grad stuff. I'm happy that you've found someone to fill the gap...even though I'd rather be there. Right now at this point I wouldn't suggest jumping on to the Navy bandwagon. You probably talked to Petty Officer Morales, if not, than I don't know who you talked to. Don't take everything that they say for granted, cause a lot of the shit they taught us isn't used...but I'm sure you know all about it by now. I'm curious what jobs you're interested in, I'm S.E.C.F. in case you didn't know, so I'll be going up to Grotten, Conneticut for 41 weeks (give or take) about 2 hours after I graduate...woohoo...As for you and me, I'm sure that you know that I want to be with you...but I don't want you waiting on me. I'm going to be away for a long ass time after I graduate A-school. I can go home for 2 weeks. I refuse to let you're heart get broken, and if joining the Navy is what you really want to do than go for it. I fell in love with you before you were my first, you're too goofy not to love. Those messages I sent were the last ones that left my comp before I left...and yes I meant them. Every time I see that watch in my drawer I think of you. It sucks not having anyone to go more late night conversations, now all I hear is snoring and creaky ironing boards. No more walking, always goddamn marchingin step with all the short legged cursing, spitting, jumping...unless you're doin jumping talking, no thinking...hell pretty much no free will. But hey, I don't mean to complain or anything, overall it's alright here...all routine. If you really do decide to go Navy, just know that your first 36hrs, you prob won't sleep and you'll just get yelled at, and the following few days are totally gonna suck cause you're just learnin everything. Never volunteer yourself, study, know your 11 general orders, reank and rec, and chain of command. Other than that crap the R.D.C.'s tell you everything to do, and if you fuck up, prepare to get a nice lil workout. I'll try and call you on thursday...even though when you get this it'll already be past then. I'm thinking of you every night. I miss you and I love you.