One thing I always wanted to be since I was a kid was someone with a specific talent. An artist, of sorts. The whole toy soldier thing was my attempt to flesh out fantasies of heroism and an attempt at securing order in my life.
So, as a kid, I doodled alot. I wrote poems, tried my hand at short and lengthy stories, and all things in between. I've picked up at least 5 instruments in every category, and still nothing seemed to shine in my hands. I can't sing, can't act, but I sure like to act like I can.
Put it simply, I'm talentless. You can't just train talent. I've tried that. Art just isn't my forté.
So what do those of us who aren't considered artists do? We're forced to dedicate ourselves to résumés, force-feeding our brains information to become incorporated into the working class.
It's not that I don't want to work to earn my money... I'd be a lard-ass if I didn't. The point is that talent seems to be a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Or maybe I just wanted to write this long, drawn out entry just to point out that I have no idea what the hell my purpose in society is.
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