Basically the assignment was to pick a profound word (3 to 5 letters) and portray it with different perspectives, and we actually had the freedom to use whatever medium we wanted with this one, so that was exciting.
Originally I was gonna go with the word "whore" and incorporate your mom's face in there somewhere but ended up changing my mind....
So ok.... I've noticed a serious lack of motivation lately, and it didnt start until I went on Spring Break. I mean, I've known about this project for weeks and I decided at 8 PM tonight to sit down and start it. It's due tomorrow at noon. While working on it, I decided I wanted to use watercolor, but didn't feel like going to the office to find any, so I dug out some old acrylics from my art stuff and decided to water those down and use them. I sat back down to work and realized I didnt have a cup of water to dilute the paints, so I grabbed a water bottle off the floor (I have a collection strewn about my room) and poured it into a coffee mug sitting on the desk, since I made such an effort finding the acrylic paints and everything and I didn't feel like going downstairs....... That is just beyond lazy.
Oh well, I got the shit done and I'm okay with it.
And then....the aftermath....
I was sitting in my computer chair indian style with the plane on my lap working the whole time. If only my mom would have walked in and seen me, painting over the brand new $500 dollar carpet......
Now its time for more homework and then some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.