Feb 21, 2006 19:23
Ok.....ok so... does anyone else think its a terrible idea to allow a United Arab Emirates company to take over six major U.S. seaports? Cause I'm pretty sure thats a fucking TERRIBLE idea, and I'm pretty sure the Bush Administration already gave them the go ahead for the takeover..
Did you know that some of the 911 hijackers used the United Arab Emirates as an operational and financial base...and are you aware that the United Arab Emirates was an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a Pakistani scientist....?
Ok....brilliant idea.....so lets just allow the UAE to freely transport ANYTHING they want into our country. Yeah go ahead, its cool... we're straight...
Man I'm so glad our country is being run by such crooked corporate whores with hidden agendas who continuously make really retarded decisions.. i'm so glad...bravo.
...what are we in Iraq for again? No, its not because of WMDs, and its not to fight the terrorists who attacked us on 911.... Lets send troops over to fight in a war and kill X numbers of soldiers, destroy a country and take away their government, and portray our country as a load of imperialist jackasses to the rest of the world ONLY because we want oil, and puppet George W Bush has to finish what Daddy started....Ohh and Cheney..dont even get me STARTED on Dick fucking Cheney...lets embezzle $300,000,000!! OK!!! And then shoot an old guy in the face...Yeah, I dont give a shit if it was an accident, you're still a dumbass.
Seriously....how do people still support this administration after all this shit he has pulled... I mean, it's all out on the table and some people still practically worship that asshole... BUT WHY?! He cant even answer questions in a live press conference because he has no idea what the fuck hes talking about.... its PAINFUL watching him try to answer a question on the spot.....its actually embarassing.....
But ya know, I can say all I want about Bush but it really won't change a close-minded Republican’s veiws. They will still go on supporting this administration no matter how badly he FUCKS over our country. I'm really confused as to why people MY age support Bush... I can understand old uninformed rednecks (who don't wawnt dem gays and naygers to have no rights, and we wawnt guns and huntin' and the Bible whoo and abortion is murder duurr!!) or rich upperclass Southerners supporting him, obviously, but what the hell is that fascist motherfucker doing for ANYone my age? absolutely nothing.
Im going to end my liberal rant right now, because I could go on for pages more....
but anyway CONGRATS CARLY!! And I know you're gonna love it.
And I've gotten all of my homework done for the rest of the week and I can just lay on my ass for now!! And the weather is nice!! And IM RUNNING AWAY TO BOONE THIS WEEKEND!!! I CANT FUCKING WAIT!!
3 days!