That Authentic U-Boat Experience!, a.k.a. *splish*GRR*splish*

Dec 07, 2010 21:32

So, not only has the flat been really sodding cold thanks to malfunctioning boiler for the past three months, tonight I was alerted to something odd by Sabre, who was staring into the kitchen in finest "on point" mode. (Well, I say "alerted": I muttered something indulgent about him being a silly bugger, hopped over to the kitchen door, and then swore loudly.)

What I'd assumed was the noise of rain spattering on the corrugated plastic roof of the lean-to outside was in fact water pouring through the ceiling in two different places - one of which is directly through the kitchen light fitting.

I deposited saucepans and bins and jugs at strategic locations, and shouted up the stairs for TenantUpstairs, assuming he'd left his bath running or similar. After he'd done some poking around in his flat, turns out we actually have a good old-fashioned water leak from t'pipes, which has started up top in his flat and decided to drop into mine for tea and biscuits. I am now very damp and soaked in patches from crawling about on the floor trying to catch Leak #1, passing back and forth under Leak #1, being sprayed by Leak #2 (perfectly positioned as it is to stream merrily down the kitchen window glass, and deflect off the surface in a graceful spurt), and thrashing about in floor-level cupboards like a salmon whilst attempting to locate and turn off the stopcock.*

It's like bleeding Das Boot in here!

Water is slowing (and has now almost stopped) since I shut off the stopcock. TenantUpstairs rang landlord. Apparently someone is coming out tomorrow.

This still leaves us with NO WATER till tomorrow (with the exception of the considerable amount splattered around our respective kitchens).

I'm going to fill the kettle (for washing and tea purposes) from whatever extent of puddle might be left in the tank, and the garage next door is 24-hours, so extortionately-priced bottled water is still available to me should I find myself suddenly dehydrating. Managed to save my potted herb plants: I felt like Leon as I hauled the basil off the windowsill and pushed it to safety on the shelf.

:contemplates wringing out jeans into kettle:


:wanders off attempting to tidy up for plumber coming tomorrow:

* A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS: Said location and manipulation of stopcock was made possible by the all-round marvellous derien , without whose gift last year of a wind-up electric torch I would still be flailing blindly and soggily in the dark. ;)

grr, damn it, rime of the ancyent marinere, alaaaaaaarrrrrm

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