...but it expresses my feelings most eloquently. [Original sketch
"On May Day '97
The Tory junta fell -
A great night for the people!
And the morning after - hmm, well..."
~ Robb Johnson, Not A Bad Week for the People
Which is why the fact it's such a close-run race (and may result in the HUNG PARLIAMENT OF DOOM) qualifies as a vaguely optimistic state of affairs... Went and voted. Had been considering a tactical vote for the Liberal Democrats, but personal conscience and principle and having clocked up over a decade in the Socialist Party won out, so my cross was scrawled firmly beside the candidate for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (a.k.a. my mate Steve).
C'mon, then. Hung parliament? Bring it on, you bastards. Has to be better than going back to the dark days of Tory majority: