To my *true* friends....

Aug 25, 2005 02:35

Well I was just gonna wait until tommorow to write this post but i was laying in bed and im still all pumped up so I decided to write it now....I've finally realized something tonight that all my family and friends have known for the past 4 years. I have this one friend who just treats me like absolute sh*t. I take it and I take it because she's my *best* friend and thats just the person she is and nothings gonna make her change....I pretty much give her my all, i'm at her beckon call whenever her or her family needs something and i've even put her and her family before my own....and thats not right. I've been an a**hole to not realize this for so long. The fight we had tonight was just so stupid. All our fights are...but tonight i've just finally had enough....I have enough to worry about in my life that I don't need her petty drama also. I have some true friends that mean the world to me and would never ever dream of treating me the way she does. This is the first time that i'm truly not upset or hurt by us fighting and not talking because i've realized's just not worth it. If she wants to talk she can call me... im not avoiding her by any means but im just done taking her crap. I have my own life and my own problems. I guess you can say i'm just finally emotionally drained... I just wanted to also thank those who mean the most to me...

First Nicole, i've know you since I was 3 years old and I thank god everyday that I have someone like you in my life. I'm so thankful that our moms are best friends and that we've become as close as we have over the past two years. I don't know if i'd be able to get through half the crap I do if I didn't have you by my side.

Priya...we may have been through some rough patches but im glad I can call you a best friend. I know that I can call you at anytime of the day and you will drop everything to listen to what I have to say,no matter how stupid it is. I love doing all our corny things together. haha its what makes our friendship so fun. I love you for being you. Your not fake and im so happy to have you in my life. sucks that your so far away from me. It's hard having a best friend that lives 9 hours away from me. We also have gone through some rough patches but I couldn't imagine my life without you. I love the conversations we have that to other people would never make sense. You are a wonderful person and im glad that I have you as a friend.

Brandon...we've also been through a bunch of crap thanks to certain people but none of that matters now. Your in my life and thats all that matters. You are my best guy friend. I love that we work in the same business...we understand eachother a lot more and I like that.

I know this is getting repetitive so i'm gonna stop but there are a few more people that I truly am greatful for having as friends... they are:

Haley, Bethany, Kristi, Angela and Lauren:)

So thank you all for being amazing people and amazing friends. I truly appreciate all you do for me. I love you all more than you can even imagine.
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