Sep 07, 2005 10:46
Well this past weekend was officially the end of summer :( too sad. I have to admit though as much as i LOOOVE summer I am kinda ready to wear my sweaters and uggs and stuff! I'm not ready to freeze my a** off but im ready to not sweat to death! Anyways Friday night I had one of the best nights ever. I went out with my friend Nicole and we met up with a bunch of people, including my crushe's whole group of friends, minus him. Well the bar closes at 2 am, who shows up at 1:45? oh yes lol. Well at 2 when the bar closed and we were forced to leave :: sigh :: we were walking to the car and him and his friend ended up being behind us and needed a ride home so we took them home. Well one of the Eagles was in the bar that night also and it turns out his car broke down right in front of sorta worked out for me in a way because it just gave me more time with him. The football player finally got his car moving so we finally got out of the parking garage. Well when we pulled up to mike's friends house i was saying bye to his friend and i turned around and mike was leaning up to kiss me goodbye, then he kissed nicole bye(on the cheeks :o( haha so i got well nicole he did... and she cuts me off and goes "i know i know he kissed u first" lol ahhh i hate having a crush!!! Its stupid how big of a crush i have on this kid. Well we didnt get home until 4 something sat morning so i didn't go to bed until 5ish. I had a wedding to go to sunday to at about 8 my mom woke me up to go get our nails and toes done. After that I pretty much ran errands all day long. I had to go get a passport I got my hair done etc... Well since I was extremely hung over and only working on 3 hours of sleep I fell asleep at 10:30 saturday night. My first saturday night home in a REALLLLY long time. I woke up at 11 on sunday and had to get ready for the wedding. It was sooo amazing. It was our close family friend who got married and she looked so beautiful. Monday was just a relaxing day. It was nice not to have school or work. I staretd back at the gym and it felt sooooooo good to finally start working out again. Yesterday I worked all day and then one of our bands had a show in Delaware so I had to go work that too so I didn't get home until a little after 1 last night and I had school at 7:30am this morning! I almost skipped but its only my 4th class I gotta save the days i skip for when its winter and its way to cold to get out of bed! haha. Tonight we're all going out because my friend Tim thats in the army is home for a few days before he goes back to Iraq for another year so it's gonna be another loooong night. Thankfully the week is almost over!