fic: Stay Captive: Wait For Love

Feb 15, 2009 23:49

title: Stay Captive:Wait For Love
author: Trish slashxmistress
pairing: Brendon/Ryan/Spencer
rating: NC-17
length: 5000+ wds
summary Spencer knows Ryan's deepest desire and Brendon's deepest fear. And he's going to do something about both of them.
notes betaed by jwalkontherocks TYSM Stacey, you are a Goddess ♥ title and cut text belong to Still Remains

I have no idea exactly what's going on with the boys' living situation these days :P But for this fic we are going to assume that Brendon still lives with Shane, and Ryan and Spencer live together, not too close, but not too far away. Call it near-future fic, call it AU, I don't care - just go with it :D It's all fiction anyway!

Until Someone Moves Or Cares
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