I've had a migraine since some time around 8:30 last night. Nasty headache (although not really painful, it's hard to explain), and the shakes. Similar to the headache
here but worse. Especially since we're working on sixteen hours of it now. I have to wait two more hours to have more ibuprofen, but since the last batch didn't really do much, I wonder if I should bother.* I do wonder if that other headache was a migraine, just not as bad. I don't get them too often, and I usually can't decide that it is a migraine until it lasts a really long time and doesn't respond to pain medication. It is too early for me to be ovulating (some women get migraines then), although my cycles have been all fucked up (which is why I started writing about this stuff, isn't it?), so maybe it is a hormonal thing. Just so I don't get one every period and every time I ovulate. Every two weeks would be hell.
Also, my wrists are really bad. Like they've been hit with a hammer bad. Especially the left one, which is odd, because I'm right-handed, and it's usually the right hand/wrist/arm that hurts more.
*ETA: The ibuprofen were doing something. I found out the hard way when they started to wear off and I hadn't taken any more yet. Now I have to wait for them to kick in again.