So, the interesting noises which the wind was making in my windows, and had been making all freaking day long, were apparently the precursor to the wind sucking the glass right out of the window.
Yeah, no shit.
With me sitting here at the computer, just a few feet away.
the_original1 ran around the house, and out to the garage, looking for an appropriately sized piece of wood, or one that could be cut down to the right size, and couldn't find any, and wound up having to cut up the 1x8s we had bought to make a shelf for the Things' movies, while I held on to the aluminum blinds to keep them from getting sucked out into the storm. It was kind of like that scene in Poltergeist, except without the closet, or the people in the t.v. Or the insane clown toy. Or the tree.
And all this time, I was thinking how lucky we were, because it could have blown the glass in, instead of sucking it out, and then I might not be here typing this.
Oh, shit, I need a drink.