(I guess you can take that to mean I'm still alive, although I chose it as a subject line for a different reason, which may become obvious later.
When I was little, I considered myself quite the Beatlemaniac. I remember one year I even threw a birthday party for Paul McCartney, complete with a birthday cake.
Now that I'm older, while I still like the Beatles, I think the Stones are better.)
cougarridgegame has been inactive since January of this year. I know this has upset some people, and it's pretty much my fault. For one thing, I had too many characters (although nothing like the 13 I had for a while before the last time the game went quiet), and not enough ideas to go around. I might have been able to keep it up, if not for another thing. Namely, that I let marjayjay get under my skin. (And no, my natural born killer T cells haven't managed to get completely rid of her yet. Every once in a while, like today, I think about it again. It's worse than staph, SRSLY. I take some comfort in knowing that I'll likely be able to dance the cha-cha in high heels on her grave some day. Yes, I am a petty bitch. But at least now you might understand the subject line a bit better!)
I don't know when, or even if, I'll ever be able to bring Cougar Ridge back to life. I would be thrilled to hand the reins over to someone I trusted, but I know that's not likely to happen. I've also been trying to come up with another idea for a game. I've had a couple of ideas, but I don't know if I can make them work. One was a haunted house/mystery type, and the other was "Sixguns in Space." If I manage to make any progress on them, I'll let you know.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled friends page.