Not when we let the insurance companies control health care. This woman is being told she can't deliver her baby at the hospital of her choice, unless it's by C-section. Why? Really? Because health and malpractice insurers don't like vaginal births, particularly VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean).
Are there risks involved with vaginal birth, particularly VBAC? Yes! There are! Life is full of risks!
A C-section is major surgery. Are there risks involved with that? Yes! There are! Life is full of risks!
Why can't we make the decisions about which risks we are willing to take? When you go to the hospital, even for minor tests, you sign a disclaimer. What's wrong with signing a disclaimer absolving the hospital and doctor of guilt if you choose a supposedly riskier procedure?
As we give more control to the insurance companies, we lose it for ourselves.
(Just a warning, I take this particular issue very personally. I seriously believe there's a good chance Little Cat Z would not have the problems she has if it weren't for my doctor deciding early in my pregnancy that there was no way I could have a vaginal birth because the baby would be too big. Never mind that I'd already had two nine-pounders with no tearing and no episiotomy.)