Twenty-one things you might hate about me

Sep 10, 2009 19:28

If you, for any reason, want to take me off your friends list, please do so. I will not stalk you across the internet, or talk trash about you because of it (if I have good reasons otherwise, all bets are off). If you want to take me off your friends list, but you can't think of a reason, I've compiled a short list. I'm sure I could go on with it, but probably another thing that could be added to the list is that I'm lazy.

1. I'm opinionated, and I don't care who knows it.
2. I'm snarky and bitchy.
3. I knit.
4. I'm a cat person. (By which I mean I like cats, not that I'm a furry or think I'm Otherkin.)
5. I consider myself pro-choice but anti-abortion.
6. I think the death penalty is an acceptable punishment for certain crimes.
7. I didn't vote for Obama in 2008.
8. I voted for McCain in 2008 because he was the best of a bad lot.
9. I don't believe I will ever vote for Sarah Palin on her own, and I am, in retrospect, glad she isn't Vice President. I would still vote for McCain if I knew then what I know now, however.
10. I am politically independent.
11. I like Abba, The Art of Noise, jazz, and country & western (and I don't just mean Johnny Cash, Hank Sr., and Patsy Cline), and nerdcore hiphop.
12. I don't shave, wear makeup, or use styling products in my hair.
13. My family reuses, reduces, and recycles so much (including composting) that we only put out our garbage can every other week at most, and I'm not shy about bragging about that.
14. I think we need health care reform far more than we need health insurance reform.
15. I believe that homosexuals are treated as second class citizens in the United States, and that this has to stop.
16. I think that Neil Gaiman is a good writer, and seems like a really good person, too, but his squeeing fan-girls and -boys need to shut the fuck up about him. He's not a fucking messiah.
17. I'm not a Christian, and I don't act like one.
18. I'm an evolutionist who doesn't think that evolution is any more provable or probable than fiat creation.
19. I'm a Fortean.
20. I play role-playing games.
21. I'm a loner. And I mean it. I'm not just shy (although I am shy). I'd rather read a good book than deal with people. I'd rather read a bad book than deal with most people (and I have read some truly bad ones - I'm not just talking about Twilight - which I haven't read). I can, and have, spent hours playing solitaire rather than go out with friends.

mission statement, i hate people, piss me off, friends, for pony!, personal, moose, drama, livejournal, psa, building a wall, yammer

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