Character's Name: Asher Alexeivich Novikov
Reason or Meaning of Name: Asher is of Hebrew origin, means “happy” or “blessed”. Alexeivich means “son of Alexei”
Nicknames: He is known almost exclusively as Asher, and he makes that very clear from the start. In formal situations, he may give his name as Asher Novikov or shorten Novikov to Novi, depending on the situation and company.
Reason: He is a man who likes to keep an ace up his sleeve. If his Navajo heritage would be to his disadvantage, then he would give his name as Novikov as it is obviously Russian and not Native American. It would raise eyebrows, but most would leave it at that - those that do not are treated with a friendly (or sometimes unfriendly) Russian greeting as proof. If it is already known that he is Navajo, or it was in his better interests to reveal this, he would call himself Asher Novi. It sounds Native American enough to most non-indians, and Indians would already know he was not full blooded Navajo.
Age: very early 20's, possibly late teens
Eyecolor: black
Distinguishing Marks: idk yet
Minus the glasses. Probably with the beat-up-ness pretty often though.
Place of Birth: idk yet
Ethnic Background: Russian father, navajo mother
Religion: not particularly religious, but he practices many navajo traditions, acknowledges a higher power, but is unspecific as to belief systems
Horse: Yas tsídii (Snow bird) a sorrel and white medicine hat paint mare.
Relationships: very close with childhood friend Levi, friends with Daniel, was very close with his father and mother until he left home several years ago. Calls his mother mat´ sometimes, amá usually(mother in russian and navajo, respectively). Calls his father father, or somestimes otec, russian for father.
Speech (speed, accent, languages): He speaks infrequently, and slowly. It is obvious he thinks before he speaks. His accent does not stick out locally, although his navajo heritage shows a little in the rythymn of his speech. He is fairly fluent in navajo, for his mother took care to teach him, He also knows some russian. Mostly words and some phrases and pleasantries, the pleasantries his father taught him, the rest he just picked up.
Levi is being a hateful and uncooperative brat at the moment. But here, have a pic or two and meet his horse!
His hair is usually quite a bit longer, and this is probably the shortest he's cut it in years.
Also, he is rarely srsfaced. Mostly he looks more like so.
This is his horse, Łizhin (Black) a darkdark red brown stallion with an odd swinging gait.
Yes, I know he looks black, he's supposed to. But he's not.