
Feb 09, 2010 13:01

So, working my ass off to find a way that I can begin getting some tutoring experience in the ESL field or otherwise. I've spent all last week searching through the library website for my county hoping to find something in my area. All last week I couldn't find anything closer than Kent and found a program that looked really promising.

Then I find out through a random google search trying to get back to the program for which I applied that there are a billion other possibilities through the library to do volunteer tutoring that I have some how not been able to find since September.

It is at this point that I feel like a damn fool. I can research anything academic online, I know how to look up the good deals on products, but apparently I know absolutely nothing about searching for jobs or volunteer opportunities, thus explaining why I apparently suck at life. Sonja FTW!

Now, on a day that I would much prefer to do more tutoring applications instead of cleaning my room, I actually am not going to let myself go down that path once more (did it last week!) because my room is in such a state of disarray that it has begun to smell. Plus I have to do taxes and I don't know where any of my information has gotten to. I'm almost wondering if I might be too busy to get together my friend tonight....... I'm beginning to wonder if I'm becoming too busy to get together with my friends ever. Oh well, I'll stuff all of my pay stubs and recommendation letters into some clothes and force it to hold me as I fall asleep at night. Psshhh... and they said work couldn't love you back.
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