32nd sigh

Oct 20, 2011 06:00

[Today, as per usual, you may find Kyon

a) In class
b) In the schoolyard

during school hours, after school however, you will find him

c) Wandering the streets looking for a costume shop.]

(Damn it, even if I do find somewhere, what the hell am I supposed to get!? Haruhi's exact words were "Hey, Kyon! Halloween's in a few weeks, so go get the ( Read more... )

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c) pants_yourmove October 22 2011, 16:35:06 UTC
Hey Kyon, you look lost.

[[Hoping he's not a drone again.]]


sosnarrator October 22 2011, 19:07:22 UTC
Haruhi told me to get some stupid Halloween costumes for the brigade.


pants_yourmove October 22 2011, 19:23:56 UTC
Oh, need help?


sosnarrator October 22 2011, 19:25:07 UTC
Sure, any idea where I'm supposed to find costumes around here?


pants_yourmove October 22 2011, 19:37:56 UTC
This time of year? Maybe the general store.

This town tends to give us things to try and seem normal-ish.

I bet all the girls costumes are witches, cats and little bo peep.


sosnarrator October 22 2011, 20:00:42 UTC
Right... I doubt Haruhi is going to be satisfied with just a normal costume though.


pants_yourmove October 22 2011, 20:40:07 UTC
Oh... you might have to get someone to make them.


sosnarrator October 22 2011, 20:44:36 UTC
Sometimes I wish she'd take care of these things herself, it'd be easier than leaving me to simply guess at what she actually wants.


pants_yourmove October 23 2011, 17:09:04 UTC
Sounds tough. What about that quiet girl from the Brigade, maybe she can help?


sosnarrator October 23 2011, 18:50:28 UTC
There's a lot of things Nagato is useful for. ... This isn't really one of them.


pants_yourmove October 23 2011, 20:00:07 UTC
Oh... umm...

I am not great with costumes. I mean mine is pretty much random stuff put together and a trick.

Maybe you can ask around town?


sosnarrator October 23 2011, 20:43:41 UTC
I suppose I could try that.


pants_yourmove October 25 2011, 16:14:54 UTC
If you need help, just let me know.


sosnarrator October 25 2011, 18:23:36 UTC
Right, will do.


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