37th sigh

Dec 13, 2011 21:41

[Action: Today, you may find Kyon sitting around in the park in the afternoon, dressed warmly so he doesn't catch a cold.]

... Snow. ... Yuki.

I wonder how Nagato is doing? ... And Koizumi, and Miss Asahina. Even that idiot, Taniguchi... How long has it even been since I saw most of them? Other than Nagato, it was probably last Christmas now, huh...

(Speaking of who I haven't seen, I didn't see Shamisen around anywhere this morning. It's odd considering how he normally stays around the house. ... Also, it's really damn cold out. I guess if there's nothing else to do here for now, I should head back to the house.)

[Phone: After arriving home, he finds that the power is out. Also, the clubroom computer is missing from his room. He decides to go and try the phone...]

Oi oi, is the phone working? The lights and everything all seem to be out. My PC is missing from my room too.
(Well, the SOS Brigade's PC... Or rather, the Computer Club's PC which Haruhi stole from them. Semantics aren't really relevant for the moment though!)
Not to mention the fact that I haven't seen my cat around anywhere today. Is it just me, or is something odd going down again?
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