Apr 14, 2005 19:27
Every now and then I'll be alone, watching tv or playin with the dog or such, and just come to a "realization". it's not like anything I didnt know before hand...but I guess it just makes my thoughts more clear or grandious? I just realized how great it is to be happy. I really couldn't ask for anything more right now. I have the perfect boyfriend who makes me so unbelievably happy, a great dog, almost done with school, a great family and we're moving to a beautiful apartment in metrowest. I've been doing so much bellydancing...depressing part that comes with that is all the money spent on costumes!!!..but that is something that makes me soooo happy too. I even am the founder of the UCF Bellydance club.
I just really couldn't ask for anything more at the moment. I've also been thinking a lot about my grandfather lately. It kind of rekindled memories about him beacuase of the Pope's death being splashed across the news. My grandfather had Parkinson's Disease. And I just want to say that I love Newsweek magazine...but they did the most distasteful thing I have ever seen in my life. They're issue last week was of the dead pope's body. The first thing that flashed in my mind .2 seconds after seeing it, was my grandfather...and how he sure didn't want to be remembered in that condition...why would they do that to the Pope? I'm sure they aren't doing it maliciously...but I guess unless you have watched a loved one suffer and degenerate to nothing more than a body...seeing that body they were trapped in all over the place is a little unsettling. newsweek...downgrade