Jul 06, 2006 16:31
why does my life revolve around WEIRD FUCKING PEOPLE??
Am i weird? do i look weird? do i have a weird face? or a weird voice? FUCKKK!
some dumb def and blind old fuckker in the lift said i look like the chick from terminator..
great to know he is officially fucked in the head, as the lady in terminator isnt ASIAN..
and i dont have long brunet hair and big perky breasts like the character..
nor am i walking around with edward furlong and arnold schwarzenegger ..
the other guy in the lift shruged his shoulders as the old man was asking for his oppinion..
we looked at eachother and our eyes said this msg:
some psychotic korean lil girl sat next to me on the bus..
she was having a full conversation with herself..
and she kept moving around in her seat as tho she couldnt keep still..
gradually her voice started getting louder..
other people turned around and stared at us..
I gave the lil girl a filthy cos i didnt want ppl thinking it was me making those noises..
then she started getting all agro/argueing with herself..
it felt like she was gonna punch her head out..