i need to make it super abundantly clear...
i made up my mind today.
i am over it completely.
and im disgusted.
and i just cant deal with it.
frank made me happy all daay.
haa. im forever on my phone at schooool.
me and lauren went to wendysss at a double lunchh.
presentation went welll.
tomorrrow=last day of weeek.
final in economics.
im basically all done with school.
this is amazing.
i love miss lauren.
i love miss isabel.
i love MY mister frank.
i love mister chris.
i love mister jason.
i love myself!
chris' game was exciting to the max. i didnt want to leaveeeeee. woooo.
i cant wait till saturday. i get my babe all tooooooo myself!!! YESSSS!! hopefully =(