May 09, 2006 18:25
It's been a while since I updated this thing, but what else is new, eh? I'm kind of bored and tired at the moment, so I figured I'd write a little update in here. I just got back from my brother's graduation (Part I) from NYU's College of Arts and Sciences. Today was the College's graduation, and Thursday is the University Commencement. It was such a great day for David; I'm really proud of him. It was a little more emotional than I anticipated. :-D
Next week, I graduate! Three days of awesome. Great two weeks for my parents ;-). I'll probably be heading to DC to go to Georgetown Law in August!! Whee!! You who read this (if I know you, which is most likely the case) should come visit me. It'll be extremely sad to leave New York City, which I've learned to love as my home and which, I think, I've learned inside out...but it'll be great to live in and discover a new city. I'll miss Nadia especially. I'll miss all my friends here. Hopefully some of them will end up in DC.
I'm not going to pontificate here about my experience at Columbia, but I will say that it's been an amazing four years, and this academic year ended my tenure as perfectly as I could have imagined.
I think over the summer I'm going to start writing in a new blog: . The new one will be substantive and not personal ramblings.
Okay, the end. (Can you tell I'm not good at this? My thesis turned out much better ;-).