Arms Wide Open. Notes/Acknowledgments.

Aug 16, 2013 07:03

Acknowledgments and Author's Notes.

Please leave your love for the incredible art by ileliberte if you haven’t done so yet. Working with her was an amazing experience. I am truly lucky that she claimed this story and created something so beautiful and haunting from it.

An insanely huge ‘Thanks!’ - and also an ‘Oh my god, we did it!’ - to my amazing betas, ifelt_infinite and cosmo_naught. Any remaining mistakes are my own. ifelt_infinite has been nothing but patient and kept pointing out all the stuff a first time writer can do wrong because I did it all. She improved my writing in ways I couldn’t have hoped for. Also, she rocks with punctuation and has a keen eye for canon and things that just don’t make sense. cosmo_naught has taken whatever I threw at her, nonsensical or not, and used her unbelievable rhethorical instincts and her amazing wordsmithing skills to turn it into something I didn’t deem possible. Now, I can read this story without the urge to headdesk every other minute. She didn’t hesitate to sacrifice precious time from her holiday to do it, either. And she’s the speediest beta in the world. Both of you are truly awesome; I owe you more than I can ever repay. ♥ ♥ ♥.

To the mods at spn_j2_bigbang, wendy and thehighwaywoman, another heartfelt ‘Thank you!’ and highest regards for their successful effort in making this a wonderful challenge to be a part of.

To the mods at omgspnbigbang, paleogymnast and slightlysatanic... well. I don’t even know how to express my gratitude. I do know that without their continuous support and all those wonderful challenges I never would have finished this story. Never. I actually have to extend my thanks to the whole comm though, all its lovely members made this such a memorable and fun experience, even through the hard times we all endured in between. You guys rock, all of you! ♥.

I owe reapertownusa a special mentioning. She made me laugh and blush (in a good way) so often during the past months that I lost count of it and she single-handedly fought down more of my panic attacks than I feel comfortable to admit. Thank you so, so much for neither seizing nor ceasing to amaze with your otherworldly patience, your fabulous humor and your extraordinary kindness. You hold a special place in my heart.

Last but not least to all of you who read, commented or in any other way supported this wonderful writing experience: Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I hope that you had as much fun as I did.

Author’s Notes.

This is the first story I ever wrote. Apparently my muses tried to make up for that and kept poking me until I ended up with this little monster. Thank you, dear readers, for sticking with me to the end. If you came upon things that I got wrong, in which way ever, please let me know and I will try to fix them.

I don’t make any money of this. I didn’t intend any harm. Any similarities to real people are coincidental. This story is purely fictional.

All the locations in this story actually exist, by name that is. I haven’t been to any of them, so all inaccuracies are mine. I looked at hundreds of pictures to get it as close to the real deal as possible, but still. All distances (miles and hours) were calculated with google maps, so they should be about right.

There is a Chapleau Cree First Nation in Ontario, as well as a Moose Cree First Nation. While I’d like to think that the Cree would help someone like John Winchester to hunt evil, I’m not sure whether that’s true. That whole side of the story stems from creative license. The legends of the Cree giant are real, the demonic part is made up again. Wynne is a real surname of the Moose Cree, but I don’t think a Nelly Wynne exists. If so, I apologize for using it here.

Cleveland and Montreal both have a port, but despite my best efforts I could not establish whether container shipping is practiced between the two. If not, once more hooray for creative license. I hope it didn’t spoil the story for you, though, if you noticed it not to be true.

The song lyrics are from Creed’s ‘Arms Wide Open’, as is the fic title.

What Castiel knows about trees and their root system stems from here.

All the rights to anything other than my own creativity remain with their rightful owners. Nothing besides my own words belongs to me. A very few lines come directly from the show, because they mark parts that I truly love. If you spot all of them, you've won. If you’d like to know which ones they are because it keeps nagging you, let me know.

I am no medical professional, no mechanic, and no expert on the occult; nor on Indian or Japanese traditions and folklore. I tried to verify everything through research, and the amount of books and online resources I consulted is way too long to list it here. Should you be interested in further information on my resources, feel free to let me know; I’ll get back to you.

All the links above are active as of August 2013.

go back (part thirteen) || Masterpost || start the story (part one)

fic:arms_wide_open, @ spn_j2_bigbang

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