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reggie11 April 11 2014, 03:32:11 UTC
What a spectacular story. I thoroughly enjoyed every word of it. My heart broke for all of them but Sam especially. What a horrible existence he had for the longest time. Zachariah was just as evil as he was in the show, you captured him very well. There's nothing quite like angels being just as bad as demons.

My mind has been trying to think of reasons for why the angels were so interested in John. I don't think it could have been as the vessel for Michael because, in the show, they told us that was Dean's destiny from long before his birth. It couldn't have been for him to break the first seal because we know he didn't break in hell so I'm intrigued as to what it might be. I'd also love to know what he could see while he was in the kitchen. I kind of got the impression that what he had told Dean and Bobby about where he'd been was a giant crock. The angels couldn't locate him 'on this plane' so I'd love to know where he was. It sounds like he didn't come back, from wherever it was, the same person. It also sounds like he has some sort of abilities now, or that he can see into some of those pocket dimensions Castiel was in.

But then, I could be ridiculously off base. I do hope you'll write a timestamp for this. As long as it was, I want more :)


soserendipity April 27 2014, 14:05:39 UTC
Aww, thanks, hunny! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story!

Yes, poor Sammy - I felt quite bad writing some of his ordeal, but without it there wouldn't have been all that nice comfort to balance the hurt, right? I despise the character of Zachariah, the actor played him so delightfully creepy and rotten. Indeed, angels can be just as bad, and it's always giving me shivers when someone acts like that without even knowing or caring that it's wrong.

I like that you tried to come up with explanations regarding the backstory and John. How very cool! I'm not going to spoil anything, though, because I'm actually working on the sequel. But let me just point you towards the fact that this might be/have been/go towards an AU in several aspects. It might not all be canon compliant even if the overall arch tries to screw with our boys just like in show ;).

I'm so happy you liked this enough to even want more; that's amazing! Thank you for this wonderful comment and I hope you'll be back for the next installment. ♥.


reggie11 April 27 2014, 17:31:55 UTC
Will definitely be back for more :)


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