I'll follow your star tonight

Feb 18, 2016 01:47

Friends and f-listies, you are wonderful.

I'm still working my way through, like, a year of comment and PM backlog and upon doing so, I re-discovered cherie_morte's love meme from 2015. I set up a thread there but had to vanish immediately afterwards despite my best intentions to leave y'all piles of love and hugs. Imagine my face when I went through my inbox and stumbled upon all your thoughtful and sweet messages. *‿*

Late reaction is uber late, but here you go.

Thank you, lovelies, you guys have just made me cry. Good tears, the best kind, because the words and the support and the thoughtfulness and gah. (Made sense in my head.) Hugs aplenty in no particular order for quickreaver, indiachick, madebyme_x, milly_gal, sillie82, becc_j, big_heart_june, cherie_morte, ashtraythief, ephermeralk, cassiopeia7, deirdre_c, hugemind, walking_tornado, ash48, fireheart13, casey28, swordy, jennytork, sinnerforhire, angelzfurys, badbastion, tifaching, vampirebites13, enablelove, and billysgirl5 for being amazing, inspiring, up-lifting, caring, and all around awesome folk. You guys rock at this spreading the love thing.

I feel so blessed, not just for having you all brighten up my little corner of fandom, but for calling you friends and finding comfort and support from and with you when RL is acting up. I am so grateful for all of you. Thank you for being there and bearing with me.

Some of you I already talked to and it's been wonderful to get back in touch with you! However, I still haven't caught up with all of you. If you have a minute, let me know how you're doing? I'm still not all well and with the job eating all of my time, I'll probably be around on the weekends only in the foreseeable future, but I'd love to chat with you when I have the chance to check back in.
Oh, and if you're curious: I did an update post a couple of weeks ago to loop you in to the mess that was my last year. It's your good old rant with a bit of a learning curve at the end - weird, how it helps me get a little distance to my problems by angsting publicly about them. (It's long and rambly, though, so don't go there if you're not in the mood for that kinda thing.)

Anyway. Talk to me? Here, at that update post, via PM, mail, smoke signals, whatever. I'd love to hear what y'all are up to. Did you sign up for anything? New art and stories to look forward to (please, yes, thank you)? RL throwing stones your way? Let's squee or ponder or wallow together. I missed you, guys.

Oh, oh! I nearly forgot! I also made a masterlist a little while ago. Art and fic and resources, all cuddled up in a shiny new home. Come have a look if you're bored :).

[Subject line from Robbie Williams' "Ghosts".]

about_me, masterlist:art, love love love, masterlist:fic

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