Name: Tim Friedrich
Age: 19
Music: Pop Will Eat Itself, Foetus, Fiona Apple, most Mike Patton-related projects, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Killing Joke, Bile, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, CKY, Ministry, Leonard Cohen, the list could go on and on.
Top 3 favorite albums: Currently they are...
Fantomas : Suspended Animation
Dir En Grey : Vulgar
Project Pitchfork : Kaskade
Last show that rocked your world: Fantomas in Detroit. April 17th
Why do you think your the Anti-Scene: I'm sick of people trying to force individuality on themselves when they end up being the same piece of shit hot topic and mall loving fucks.
Tell us Joke: Why did Hilter really kill himself? He got the gasbill! WHOA!
You would rather poke yourself in the eye than...: go to a rave.
Tell us something that pissed you off at a show: How the hot goth chick has a date but her fat friend doesn't.
You get the chance to kick the crap out of a scenester, what is your weapon of choice?: Boot