1) If you didn't catch it, we have a new member. I only mention this because in theory, given the thread we was recruited in, we've had a new member since early January- namely, one
slatebreaker. Anne of Green Gables, that is, so everyone is free to be as fourth wally proud of her as Haruhi is.
2) The lotto, boat, and other such ideas have since fallen to the wayside more or less. There still might have been people assigned to read up on boat construction for when the weather is better though, so if you want your character to look into that, please do assume that was assigned to them. Because yeah.
3) Haruhi liked the idea Minako put out a while ago but setting up a candid camera network for a possible Valentines event. If you want your character in on that, please do tell me. What it would basically entail is them hanging out in designated places on the day of Valentines to monitor a hidden camera they would set up. Obviously what with tech limits we're probably talking a cam-quarter they hid in a duffel bag or something with the zipper open or one they taped to the ceiling of a building, but the idea would be to get footage of people as they're falling for... other people on Valentines. And such like that. Possibly to troll them or possibly for the people assigned to monitor the cameras to do something to them- honestly I like the idea but I'm still not sure on the execution here assuming we even have a Valentines event so if anyone wants to throw out some ideas on execution that would be great.
4) Keiichi, Mikage, and Kurt are probably in various degrees of doghouse'd - mostly the later two. This won't be any special stigma to them so much as they might get a penalty or two assigned to them; some sort of inane tasks which is meant to a punishment. I'm not sure what to assign you guys just yet but... I figured I should note that.
5) Naoki- you've been recruited to carry the village side of the teleporter unit for the Ocean Teleporter to the barracks. Sokka agreed to let it happen - so idk when it's quite finished, but you'll be under assignment to do that pretty soon.