Harry Potter and the Head of Black: Chapter 1 Part 6

Feb 28, 2012 21:33

Last time, Harry had just called upon Mr. Weasley and asked him to stand.

getting the quite man to stand.

Quite? What?

Oh, and god forbid anyone disobey the Stu. It doesn’t matter that Mr. Weasley is almost a father figure to Harry. Harry is a fucking Lord now, so he better bend over and grab his ankles, because Harry won’t be tolerating any insolence.

He looked at Harry with a confused look.

As Draco smirked a smirky smirk.

Seriously, Stuthor, did you think that line was good?


“You are of an Ancient and Noble House, yet do not wear the title. Why, may I ask.”


(Arthur): Well, mostly because we are not an ‘Ancient and Noble House’ so to speak, Harry. I’m sure that you are well-aware that our family has a healthy fascination with Muggles. It stands to reason that some of us have married Muggles too. And even if we were such a house, we would not advertise the fact, mostly due to the connotations of the title. We do not like to be thought of as slave masters, for we find the practice inhumane and cruel, as most civilised people do.

“Because certain families,” he started, looking over towards the Malfoys as he said it,

Did you just tell us a character spoke twice within the same dialogue tag?


And yes, Mr. Weasley is certainly the type to be snide and spiteful towards people for past grievances.

Okay, canon Mr. Weasley did hate Malfoys, but he didn’t go so far as to start anything! He always remained quiet and beared with the Malfoys’ maliciousness, because he was a better person! The only time he got agitated and got physical was when his family was insulted!

The Malfoys in this fic didn’t do anything to him! So why would he start talking crap about them? He’s not the kind of guy!

Why is it that all the heroes in your fic are sociopaths? Does it turn you on or something, Stuthor? Because it creeps me out.

“did not believe we had the money needed to hold the title of an Ancient and Noble House.


...So...what are the requirements for becoming an Ancient and Noble House? Noble houses need twenty generations of Wizarding ancestors...so do Ancient Houses need mountains of money?

Is affluence the only criterion for becoming an ‘Ancient’ house? Because if that’s the case, then the name of the title is extremely misleading.

And does that mean that one Ancient and Noble House can kick out another one whenever they liked? Then how the fuck does the politics of this universe works? You have to have titles to be in parliament! What’s preventing people from kicking their rivals out of nobility whenever they develop a dissenting opinion? What’s to prevent people from removing massive amounts of government officials because they were in a bad mood that day? If the Malfoy family can kick the Weasley family out because of their beliefs...what’s to stop them from doing it to others?

And the Malfoys aren’t even a real ‘Ancient and Noble Family’! They brought the title! So what’s to prevent a terrorist from buying a title and then dismissing the entire Wizarding government?

And why doesn’t Harry remove the Black family as an ‘Ancient and Noble Family’ on the spot then? Then, Tonks’ slavery will be negated, because the people who enslaved her no longer have the power to keep her enslaved! Why is he not doing that?


Only Gringotts and the Department of Mysteries know that we are an Ancient and Noble House.”

You know, the Department of Mysteries is named that way for a REASON. Namely, because they dealt with things that are beyond the understanding of current magical theory! They studied prophecies, doors that lead to mysterious places, FLOATING BRAINS! Why would they even want to know whether certain families were pure-blood or not?


Secondly, so the bank and the government knows they’re actually Ancient and Noble...so what are they complaining about? TWO of THE most important establishments in the Wizarding world know the truth, one which passes laws and one which controls money! What more do they want?

“You took care of me when you didn't need to. Fed me and let me stay with you, yet refused any form of payment for doing that.” Harry said, looking at the man. “You know I could and would have payed for it.”

Again, I really, REALLY appreciate the Stuthor for not resorting to Weasley bashing...but knowing the alignment that Harry is in this fic, and knowing how he twisted the Weasleys so that they’d be pureblood snots who support Harry...I really can’t say it makes me happy.

“We, that is, Molly and I, didn't believe you should pay for it.” he said, looking down at his wife for a moment.

Of course, all the Weasley children thought Harry should pay for it.

Also, is it just me, or does Mr. Weasley sound incredibly smug and pompous here? ‘Oh, look at us! Aren’t we so WONDERFUL! We’re not like that lowlife Dumbledore and the Dursley scum! We let you LIVE with us without demanding payment at all! Aren’t we such FANTASTIC people?’

CHARACTER BASHING: 17 (It’s relatively subtle, but it’s still there.)

“Besides Harry, you are friends to our children, and to us as well.”

(Arthur): If you weren’t friends with our children, though, you can go to hell.

“I know, Lord Weasley.” Harry said, standing up straight.


I cannot BEGIN to tell you how much that counter irritates me when used in conjunction with the Weasleys. *HATE*

“As the Lord of two Ancient and Noble Houses, I bestow upon you what is rightfully yours.” he said, taking a breath. “I declare the House of Weasley become an Ancient and Noble House once more. So I speak it, so mote it be.”


DEPARTMENT OF REDUNDANCY DEPARTMENT: 31 (Yes, we know Harry has to breath.)

YOU PREJUDICED BASTARD: 24 (For using blood purity and status as gifts, AGAIN)

Okay, notice something about the way Arthur described his house? Oh yeah, he used PRESENT TENSE. That means his house is STILL Ancient and Noble, and all the important authorities know that. As far as I can tell, the only thing Malfoys did was prevent the press from talking about Weasleys’ blood purity. So, how is Harry giving them what they already know?

Secondly, it only takes a VERBAL announcement from the heads of two houses to restore the title of Ancient and Noble to a family? Then, in that whole list of people who are ancient and noble, not a single one of them ever tried to help the Weasleys? Wow...EVERYONE is an asshole in this fic.

Oh wait, no. You just magically made them apathetic, because you needed your Stu to be a Knight in Shining Armour.

“Thank you Ha...Lord Potter-Black.” Arthur said,


The Stuthor just made Arthur Weasley fawn at Harry’s feet and sing him praises about how rich and powerful he is, as a way of showing us that they are DESERVING of Harry’s affections. The Stuthor reduced Arthur to Harry’s MINION, to show us that they deserve to be made into an Ancient and Noble Family.

This is the WEASLEYS, people! Although this Stuthor didn’t set out to bash them, he has dismantled their character more effectively than quite a majority of his fellows. And this is just SAD.

CHARACTER BASHING: 18 (It may not be intentional, but it’s here.)

a smile playing at his lips.

Didn’t you hear what I said, Stuthor? This is SAD. NOT funny.

DEPARTMENT OF REDUNDANCY DEPARTMENT: 32 (Instead of a smile playing at his armpit?)

When a ring formed on his hand baring the Weasley coat of arms,

Stuthor, you WROTE that the Weasleys were never officially kicked out of the grand circle of Ancient and Noble Houses. If both the bank and government acknowledged them, then why wouldn’t they have their ring?

Please, Stuthor, will you stop trying to rape your own canon for ONE second?

Molly burst into tears.

Molly fucking Weasley - Molly ‘NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH’ Weasley - just burst into tears over being given something she already had, by a pompous asshole.

Seriously, if some asshole like Harry here came along and tried to make the Weasleys into his loyal minions by giving them power, Molly would personally hex their balls off. SHE WOULD BE ANGRY! NOT CRYING!

She got up and walked around the table, pulling Harry into a hug while muttering “Thank you” over and over again.

Oh, of course she would be thankful. How dare ANYONE not show proper gratefulness to the Stu? It doesn’t matter that the Weasleys clearly don’t care about name! The Stu has bestowed a great fortune on them, and the Stuthor will be damned if he doesn’t turn the Weasleys into spineless minions in exchange for that!

CHARACTER BASHING: 19 (Again, not intentional, but it’s there.)

“You may always call me Harry.” he said to both of them.

(Harry): You have proven yourself to be most loyal, peons. You may have the privilege of addressing me by my first name. I give you permission.

(Weasleys): *Worships at feet*

He shrugged himself out of a Molly's arms

Because how DARE someone POOR (gasp) touch him! Doesn’t the woman know her place?

You see? This is why I don’t buy that Harry is abused. Abused children are attention starved. This is why canon Harry adores Molly - because she gave him the motherly attention he never received from the Dursleys.

You cannot make him do something SPOILED children do - namely, be embarrassed by affection - and yet expect us to believe he’s abused!

and after she gave him a kiss on the cheek she walked back to her seat next to Arthur. “To continue,” he said, straighting his robes,

Dude, he just did the more subtle equivalent of DUSTING HIMSELF OFF after being touched by Molly! He all but said to her face that he found her REPULSIVE!

You know, this is the EXACT sort of thing MALFOY would have done in canon, if Molly ever touched him. HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO THINK YOUR STU IS BETTER, AGAIN?


“Narcissa Malfoy, stand up.”

“Yes, My Lord?” she asked, doing her best to keep her voice even.

...I thought the Malfoys were an Ancient and Noble House. Why would the matron of an Ancient and Noble House need to address Harry with ‘Lord’, considering that they have the same social station?

Oh wait, my mistake. She’s a woman. Of course, she has a lower position than him.


“You marriage has been dissolved.” he said, looking her in the eyes.

Wait, WHAT?

Just how damned powerful ARE the Lords? They can randomly go around and declare other people’s marriage dissolved, just like that? With nothing but a verbal command? WHAT THE HELL?

How the HELL can a society FUNCTION when you have a whole social class with THAT much power walking around? Why hasn’t the Malfoys or Gaunts or Blacks dissolved EVERY marriage between Light Wizards, thus ensuring that no legitimate heirs will be produced?

YOU CANNOT RANDOMLY GIVE YOUR STU POWERS, STUTHOR! Because those powers invariably impact on your setting and plot, whether you want them to or not. THAT’S WHY YOU HAVE TO THINK WHEN YOU WRITE!

“However, as your Head of House, I declare that you will no longer be a Black.

Oh. So, has Harry just enslaved Narcissa?

Why? Because she insisted that the will-reading focuses on Sirius, instead of Harry? Because she dared to drag the spotlight away from the Stu?


You may chose a new name,

Wait...so Narcissa ISN’T enslaved? Why? She’s female and is being disowned by the Head of her House! How come she is still free and yet Tonks is enslaved?

Face it, Tonks’ enslavement has been one big plot convenience. Nothing about her enslavement makes sense within the context you have set up. She is enslaved solely because you think she is sexy.

Because who needs continuity, right?

CHARACTER BASHING: 21 (I think this is the first time I’ve seen the lust object in a fic being bashed by the Stuthor...)

but it can not be a magical name.




NAMES can be magical.

Forgive me while I laugh myself silly.

You are forever banished from the Ancient and Noble House of Black. So I speak it,so mote it be.”

DEPARTMENT OF REDUNDANCY DEPARTMENT: 33 (You just declared that a sentence ago, Harry dear.)

So...are you going to explain why she isn’t a slave? Because I’d like to know that.

Also, mote is a very silly sounding word. Just so you know...

“Yes...My Lord.” she said, having a hard time from killing him.

You know, I STILL empathise with Narcissa the most here. She just for FORCIBLY separated from her husband, and the Malfoys only redeeming trait in canon was that they genuinely loved their family. She just got ripped from a happy marriage with the man he loved...for what? Because her son happened to be a schoolyard bully?

And yet the Stuthor thinks that it’s unreasonably - nay, EVIL - of her to want to harm Harry, for disrupting her family and taking her loved ones away from her forever. The Stuthor honestly thinks that Harry has the RIGHT to do this to someone.




Her son had no such problems.


Did Draco just kill Harry?

YAY! *Breaks out the chocolate and ice cream*

I never thought I’d say this, but GO DRACO! YOU ROCK!

“You filthy bastard!” Draco yelled, jumping up.

Yes! Yes, he is a filthy bastard!

...wait, what do you mean I’m supposed to disagree with him here? What do you mean he’s the villain? The guy just freaking took his MOM away from him! Forgive me if I’m on his side.

“Paying these...things...to tell lies about the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy!


Aw, come ON, Draco! I was all rooting for you! Don’t say something as illogical as that! Harry hadn’t been the Head of the Potter family until this moment, so how the hell is he going to get his hands on enough money to bribe creatures who ran the only club in Wizarding society? Especially when their known for being impartial and not meddling in Wizarding affa-


This is Hookedtooth.


Good point there, Malfoy.

I'll show you!” he yelled drawing his wand. He aimed it a Harry,


*Waves pom poms*

only to watch in horror as it fell, his hand and lower arm still connected to it. He turned around to face the goblin in time to see a sword fly at his head.



I’m such an idiot.

Of course, he won’t harm a hair on Harry’s head. Who does he think he is? Harry’s the main Stu!

And we see again the problem of this Stuthor’s disrespect for villains. Draco is dead. There will be NO ONE to provide conflict and obstacles in Harry’s everyday life. There will be no one Harry can contrast against and shine off of. The Stuthor just removed a very large chunk of conflict from his story and, as a result, make his Stu that much less impressive.

Hell, Malfoy was killed off unceremoniously by a GOBLIN. Harry didn’t have ANYTHING to do with his death. A major antagonist has just died off, without the hero making any moves of his own.



“Such a pity.” Harry said, watching the one-armed and headless body of Draco Malfoy stand there for a moment before falling to the ground in a lifeless slump. “I wanted him alive long enough to hear this part.” he said, once again standing up straight. “As the Head of two Ancient and Noble Houses, I propose the expulsion of House Malfoy from an Ancient and Noble House.”

I left that part in so that you can feel the full horror I felt when I read it.

Harry just saw someone getting VERY messily MURDERED in front of him, and that was ALL of his reaction.

That was all he felt.

Do I even need to point out how sickening and UNREALISTIC that is? No one is this calm the first time they see a bloody murder, except - that’s right - sociopaths and psychopaths.

SOCIOPATHY: 35 (Two counts, for sheer egregiousness.)

And now I have to wonder, what reason does he have to remove the Malfoy house, anymore? Gringotts didn’t acknowledge the House as Ancient and Noble, and given what Arthur said, it would stand to reason that the Department of Mysteries (and therefore the government) wouldn’t acknowledge it either. The Malfoys cannot present any threat to him.

Even if they did have power in the government, Harry has the power of two Ancient and Noble Houses, and an extra one in the form of the Weasleys. It’s not like the Malfoys can hurt him, or even pass ANY laws that he didn’t want them to pass.

The only reason he has to do this is to add insult to injury. What he is doing amounts to kicking the dog while it’s down.


CHARACTER BASHING: 25 (Two counts, for sheer egregiousness.)

“As the Head of an Ancient and Noble House, I second.” Arther said, standing up as well.

Because, you know, Arthur is totally the type to be all vengeful and enacting revenge upon someone even after they’ve been thoroughly broken.


“So we speak it, so mote it be.” they said together

Speaking in unison, now? Man, you have your Weasleys firmly tamed after only a few lines, haven’t you?

before Arther sat back down. Harry stayed standing.

Ooh, look at that! Isn’t the Stuthor just SO clever? Look at the symbolism. Arthur is only allowed to rise to Harry’s level when it is convenient and it would benefit Harry. In other times, despite having the same title as Harry, he has to remain lower on the social ladder, because no one may threaten to outshine the Stu!

“Albus Dumbledore, stand up.” Harry said,

(Dumbledore): No, Harry. In case you didn’t notice, I also belong to an Ancient and Noble Family, and thus you have no power over me. I had hoped to keep this from you, in case the power went to your head, but I see that my hopes have been in vain. Now, sit down, my boy, and let this will-reading proceed. If you abuse your power anymore, you shall have a very unfortunate and sudden heart attack.

getting the aged man to stand.

Please, stop describing Dumbledore as ‘aged’, as if that should make him repulsive. All you are doing is reminding me of Meyer, and that is NOT a wise thing to do.

“Sirius tells me you approached him and asked him to represent you in allowing Dumbledore to become a Noble House, despite only being eighteen generations. Is this correct, or wrong?”

Ah, so you can become a Noble house even without the required generations, by sucking up to a house that already has the Ancient and Noble title?

The more you write, Stuthor, the less I respect characters with titles. Not only could titles have been brought, they could have also been gained by sucking dick. This is not making me in awe of Harry very much, Stuthor.

“It is correct, Harry.” Dumbledore said in a grandfatherly tone with a smile on his face, his eyes twinkling madly.

What is he trying to accomplish? Dumbledore was SMART. He would have known that Harry is going insane before his eyes and no amount of twinkling at him would help matters. He would have lied his ass off at the proceedings and then stunned Harry and checked him for Confounding or Imperius spells!

Like Guardian’s Song said, Dumbledore didn’t defeat Grindelwald by being grandfatherly! He is PERFECTLY capable of dropping the act when the situation demands it, and THIS is that situation!


He had begged Sirius to allow him to become one, despite the fact that the name would die out soon.

And just how is he supposed to do that? Sirius only got his title as the Head of his House RIGHT before going to the Department of Mysteries and dying. When would Dumbledore have asked him to do this?

“That's Lord Potter-Black.” Harry said coldly, looking at the man, causing the smile to slip.


Do I even NEED to comment on how wrong that is - that Harry is insisting that DUMBLEDORE address him by his ridiculous title?

If you can’t tell, then you’ve obviously never read Harry Potter.




“You said that you would look into getting him a fair trail should he do this, thereby admitting to having evidence proving that he was innocent.

Actually, no he didn’t. All he promised was finding a nice path or track through the wilderness for Sirius, perhaps appealing to his hidden Hiker side. He didn’t mention anything about his TRIAL.

On a more seriously note, how does telling someone that you would do your best to get them a FAIR trial equate to ‘I HAVE EVIDENCE OF YOUR INNOCENCE’? All Dumbledore promised to do is to try his best to make sure Sirius was tried at all, and considering the political climate at the time, it’s more than reasonable that he actually did his best. He just didn’t have enough power alone. Dumbledore never said anything about having any evidence! How the hell did you even draw that conclusion?

Therefore both the Ancient and Noble House of Potter and Black will insure that the house of Dumbledore will never become a Noble House unless you can prove there is an heir who has become the twentieth generation, which everyone knows can not and will not ever happen. So I speak it, so mote it be.”

“Alright Ha...Lord Potter-Black.” he said, starting to sit down.

I’m not going to comment on how that is a seriously low blow. I’m not going to comment on how vengeful and spiteful and OUT OF CHARACTER that is for Harry. I’m not going to comment on how Dumbledore already is a Noble House. I’m not going to comment on how out of character it is for any manipulative bastard to give up this easily, without a single word of protest, without a single attempt at manipulation. I’m even not going to mention that Sirius MADE Dumbledore into a Noble House. Sirius WANTED Dumbledore to be a Noble House. And Harry is basically shitting on his will at his fucking WILL-READING.

You guys can rant on that much more effectively than me, and if I’m going to explore all those topics, this sporking will be hundreds of words long.

Instead, I’m just going to point out that this fic officially has NO villains now. Before, Dumbledore was an inept villain, but he was STILL a villain. Now, even his threat has been neutralised. He can’t do anything that Harry doesn’t want him to do anymore. The Stu is LITERALLY without any opposition now. AND THAT DOES NOT MAKE A GOOD STORY!

And don’t even mention Voldemort. Given this Stu’s philosophy, he’ll gladly support the bastard.





“We're not finished yet.” he said, prompting the old man to raise back up.

Of course, you’re not finished. How could you be satisfied with just removing him from government and power and rubbing his impotency and old age in his face. No, he certainly deserved more for the heinous crime of...uh...breaking a promise that he didn’t make?

“As Head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, I demand that the group known as the 'Order of the Phoenix' vacate the property known as 12 Grimmuld Place effective immediately.”


Okay, remember what I said about Harry obvious supporting Voldemort? Well, it’s canon now, apparently.

Dumbledore is the pillar of the light and the one who almost single-handedly kept Voldemort at bay before you pranced along. Dumbledore is the hope and leader of the Wizarding World. The Order of the Phoenix was the most successful group of underground fighters against Voldemort and were INSTRUMENTAL in his downfall BOTH TIMES.

And Harry has just went ahead and made sure that Dumbledore would have NO say in the government, no political clout, and no place to base his order.

In your blind quest for PERSONAL vengeance, you’ve just removed from the picture the only people protecting the Wizarding World.

You’ve just ensured that Voldemort’s comeback to Wizarding society will be as smooth as possible.

All because you felt personally slighted.

SOCIOPATHY: 40 (YES, he deserves every one of those counts!)

“What!?” Dumbeldore yelled, slamming his hand on the table.


Yep, I still support Dumbledore.

“I'll have you know that your sorry excuse of a godfather left that house for our use!”

Okay, you could have worded that a little differently (seriously, that guy is obviously drunk on power, you should be smart enough to know how to deal with his type), but that is an EXCELLENT POINT. Harry IS shitting on everything Sirius did, because fuck him, Harry knows best.

I wonder why Harry even wants the house, anyways, seeing as it’s always described to be gloomy and dark, filled with shrill portraits and dark magical artefact-

Okay, fine. So the reason IS obvious. But still...


“And as the rightful owner, I'm dropping the Fidelus and declaring you can no longer use it.

He’s DROPPING the Fidelius charm? How is that going to STOP people from going into the place, again? Wouldn’t it have the OPPOSITE effect? What, was he expecting Dumbledore and Death Eaters to work on the honour system?


I will change the list of who is allowed to enter the house and get someone else to cast the charm.” he said,

See? That makes much more sense than the last sentence! Why did you write that one, when this one will suffice?

Also, Harry, you are NOT doing a very good job of maintaining your public relations. Did you know what happened to knew, upstart nobles who insisted on changing a whole bunch of things back in the day?

Hint: knife -> back -> gutter.

before his eyes narrowed.

Like Voldemort, you mean?

“And the next time you say anything bad about Sirius in my presence, I will simply kill you.”

...Now he’s moved on to outright threats of murder? How very charming...


“You are not allowed to do that!”

No. He’s not. But he’s also far too drunk on power to care about rules. So how about you demonstrate the consequences of those rules, to hammer it into his thick skull?

Come on, Dumbledore, you’re not the arch-enemy of Voldemort for nothing! Stun (or kill) this little bastard and be done with it!

“Go fuck yourself Dumbledore.” he said coldly, looking at the man.



And look, I’ve already ranted about how stupid this is and how unrealistic his reactions are. I’ve ranted about how he’s a sociopathic little bastard. I’m just going to do the count and move on.


“From the rumors I've heard, that's why the House of Dumbledore will end with you.

...I believe Harry just insulted Dumbledore for being gay.


Seriously, there is NO reason to bring this up at all (IN PUBLIC, no less)! It’s more than obvious to anyone who’s looking that Dumbledore cannot sire children, because he’s OLD. And in his youth, he had been occupied fighting TWO Dark Lords. But Harry couldn’t have left it at that! After the fifth year, no doubt he had developed a taste for how destructive rumours could be. And he is simply BENT on discrediting the Leader of the Light.

No, he has to insult Dumbledore for his sexuality, because that’s the only way he can feel better about himself.


Now get out of my sight!” he yelled,

I see that no once in the whole encounter has he offered to hear Dumbledore’s side of the story. He asked a SINGLE yes or no question, and decided that Dumbledore must be guilty, because there’s no way beings as benevolent and trustworthy as GOBLINS could ever LIE, right?

rubbing the handle of his wand.

And just what is he going to do with it? People who drew their wants in Gringotts got killed, remember? How is he going to threaten Dumbledore with it?

Dumbledore glared at him one last time before he turned and walked out of the room.

Farewell, Dumbledore. And farewell any chance we might be getting some plot or conflict. *Sighs* This fic is NOT becoming better.

misposting, but i'm not going to delete, for convenience's sake.

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