You Do It, Kyon... やらないと、死刑だから ;)

Jun 01, 2007 17:26

Name/Nickname: Chris, nicknames include Hachiko (because I am "genki," tsk) and Apocalypse (because I buried everyone in an eight-on-one Tetris bout)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Would you like to be voted as a boy or a girl?: Girl, please, unless I scream boy-character

Likes: Video games (Guitar Freaks and other Konami franchises, RPGs, puzzle games, Sims 2), grammar, foreign languages, food (eating, reading about, and cooking), the Internet, rock shows, cat macros, cosplay, and I-should-stop-here
Dislikes: Being bored, plastic grocery bags, B.O., people who don't listen to me, allergies, sitting around with nothing to keep my hands occupied, mangling a foreign language
Strong points: I am an overachiever Wait, good things. I'm pretty good at talking to other people and wording my thoughts. I'm an excellent organizer and planner; when I set myself out to do something, I tend to get my goals realized. I earn good grades and can whip together a paper the night before it's due, which infuriates my roommate to no end. I'm really sensitive, which some might consider a weakness, but I think it allows me to empathize with others and not be too mean.
Weak points: When an idea seizes me, I tend to drop everything else and pursue it until the urge burns out. I'm a terrible procrastinator. It's not my fault; my muse just doesn't visit me until the last possible moment. I get upset when things don't go my way or when I lose at something (though I do try to be a good sport). I can come off as bossy when I am in my super-organizer mode. I sometimes like to do everything myself because I don't think other people will do it correctly.
Hobbies & talents: Music [performance (vocal and guitar) and appreciation (California rock, Japanese, wizard rock)], reading (classics and British authors in particular), writing (novels and fanfiction), webdesign, dance (ballroom and slam), event planning

Favorite The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya character and why: Kyon because he makes my knees go weak
Favorite food: Anything you can eat with rice
Favorite color: Blue

Optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic
Dominant or submissive?: Dominant
Loud or quiet? I'm a loud person, but I like it to be quiet around me
Peaceful or violent?: Violent (but trying to control it better, I swear!)

What do you look like? (a description is fine, but a photo is better):

Being random with my friend Dave

stamped - haruhi suzumiya

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