Hi guys, I'm back! OH NO, right? But good news is that I actually have time now. What's that? Anyway, here's the new submission post for this week's theme, Floral! Spring is here, so let's bring on the flowers! All entries this week must involve a floral theme one way or another, whether it be by iconing art of Haruhi holding a bouquet of flowers, using floral textures or brushes, or maybe even having "Oopsie daisy!" as text on your icon(s). Hopefully people with allergies like me won't sneeze too much from the icons this week. :)
× Make sure you know
the rules before turning in an entry.
× Reply to this post with your icon and its URL.
× Participants are allowed to submit UP TO TWO ENTRIES.
× Feel free to ask questions on this post!
× The deadline for entries is Saturday, around 9PM EST.
× Do you have any suggestions for themes? Send them over
to this post! Recommended Picture Resources:
SOS-dan.com's image board×
The AnimeSuki Forums' SOS-dan image thread×
Random Curiosity's SHnY anime blog×
Memento's SHnY anime blog×
Visual Haruhiism, scans by
* Remember that fanart is not allowed, so please learn to distinguish official art from unofficial/fan art when looking through these.