
Jan 03, 2006 15:51

I don't know why I bother with this stupid quizzes.

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) chakramcook's hair color? Blonde.
2) What exotic animal would omgsorry like as a pet? ...monkey.
3) Are pickeruper and kansai_prodigy going steady? No.
4) Does kobaka do drugs? Probably.
5) What would petmeimapuppy do differently in your shoes? Not be the world's greatest Evangelion pilot?
6) Did fuchouin_kazuki break up with you? No.
7) Is petmeimapuppy in a relationship? He's gay, so yes.
8) If nun_with_gun took over the world, who would be happy? ...anyone besides me.
9) If _hero_of_time was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? ..
10) What color should crimson_eyes_ dye their hair? It's fine.
11) Is maolikestonfas dead sexy? That's pedophilia, so no.
12) If pink_n_pimpin and ukebeachboy were siamese twins, where would they be joined? The pelvis.
13) Would tophat_puppy and golden__queen make a good couple? ...with that bitch? No.
14) What comic book character would thereislight be? I grew up from comic books long ago.
15) If _hero_of_time took over the world, who would suffer? Wondergirl and Baka.
16) Is sleepy_samurai an emo? No.
17) Would monocle_san go out with orenji_tune? Hakkai loves Gojyo, it's obvious.
18) Does anna__aurion smoke? I don't think so.
19) What languages does mustardy_d00m speak? Stupid.
20) Where was chakramcook born? Someplace not around here.
21) Would you ever date heroofpurple? Date a dragon? Hell no.
22) Do hawks_eye_view and la_filetteutena go to the same school? No.
23) One thing you can't stand about _taoren? He doesn't respect me.
24) If axel_fire and towaie were spliced together, what would be its name? Axenna Kyoyama.
25) How tall is la_filetteutena? Fairly tall. Maybe taller than me.
26) What is acrobatic_mage allergic to? Stupidity, like me.
27) If maolikestonfas commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Monkeys.
28) How long have you known maolikestonfas? I haven't known him, people like that get on my nerves.
29) Is mustardy_d00m related to mustardy_d00m? ....what the fuck? Fawful is Fawful, dumpknof.
30) How would gorgeous_snake conquer the world? Clothes.
31) Is hawks_eye_view a high school student? No.
32) meshi_meshi's eye color? Brown.
33) What is ohmypteras's favorite band/artist? Don't know, don't care.
34) What song/movie would you recommend to idealistical? I think Fiddler on the Roof.
35) When did you last call mustardy_d00m? Never.
36) What flavor of jello would solitude_flame be? Spicy.
37) Would ramen_owns_you be a better ninja or pirate? He's a ninja, for fucking's sake, so a ninja.
38) Is wewalk_together single? Yes, I'd be surprised if she gets a boyfriend.
39) Would you make out with nun_with_gun? No.
40) What is nun_with_gun's shoe size? I don't know nor care.
41) Could you see chaos_yeshua and manly_nun together? No.
42) Where was kansai_prodigy born? Don't know.
43) Do you think ukebeachboy is hot? No.
44) Does anna__aurion go to your school? No.
45) What planet should chakramcook be from? Earth?
46) What is mustardy_d00m's biggest flaw? He's too emo.
47) Does ohmypteras travel a lot? I believe so.
48) Do you have _hero_of_time's screenname? No.
49) How long would ishbalownsyou dating germanbunnylove last? Five minutes, give or take.
50) Have you ever dated sakurashachou? No, though he looks like a candidate.
51) What would _blueseraph give spazmatatic for his/her birthday? I don't know.
52) Is strongarmspaz 1337? No.
53) Does spazmatatic have a big secret? ...
54) Does meshi_meshi have a dog? No.
55) Where did you first meet fuchouin_kazuki? Screw you, you stupid quiz.
56) Is la_filetteutena a nerd? No.
57) Have you flirted with vengefully? No.
58) What do you disagree with overlordly about? He's on my team, and he's an arrogant jackass.
59) What animal should chakramcook be combined with? Puppy.
60) Has anna__aurion been to your house/dorm? No.
61) Is solitude_flame popular? Not as popular as me.
62) Does ihearttrees know germanbunnylove? No.
63) Are almighty_sanzo and petmeimapuppy going out? Eh, no.
64) How many monkeys could omgsorry fight at once and win against? Five. He's wimpy and he complains a lot.
65) Has golden__queen dyed their hair? Her hair's fine the way it is. Why in the hell does she have to be more beautiful than I am?!
66) What is acrobatic_mage's favorite color? Red, like mine!
67) Is love__freak your best friend? No.
68) Is maolikestonfas friends with anna__aurion? I think so, don't really care.
69) Are towaie and _hero_of_time married? No.
70) Do you have a crush on strongarmspaz? Fuck no.
71) How would gorgeous_snake kill xephir? I don't think that woman could kill anyone.
72) Is anna__aurion introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
73) What would wewalk_together think of ihearttrees? I'm not Tsukasa, so I wouldn't know.
74) One quality you find attractive in gloomy_writer? His hair.
75) If hachiyou_eisen had a superpower, what would it be? I don't know.
76) What is meshi_meshi's favorite movie? I don't know or care.
77) Is kobaka related to you? No.
78) Where would gorgeous_snake most like to visit? Anywhere.
79) Does xephir have a crush on wewalk_together? Shuichi loves Yuki, so no.
80) Is ramen_owns_you a college student? More like a middle schooler.
81) If ihearttrees and sakurashachou were spliced together, what would it be like? A messy experiment.
82) What would you do if sexy_kappa died? Not care.
83) Is acrobatic_mage athletic? Yes.
84) What video game does chaos_yeshua remind you of? Xenogears? (OOC: Asuka plays video games in her spare time. XD)
85) What would you do if you found out thereislight has a crush on you? Smile and happily accept it.
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