
Jan 05, 2011 00:41

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Antonio Vega || Original Character charitaslamia July 24 2011, 05:49:44 UTC
Name: Heather
Contact: LJ= agentgrrl, AIM= adeolucror, Email= adeolucror [at] gmail

Character name: Antonio Vega
Character journal: charitaslamia
Tattoo number: 79421


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 2 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 05:52:19 UTC
Appearance: Image is here. (PB is Oliver Goodwill ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 3 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 05:54:58 UTC
He considers his closest friends his family, and never hides anything from them. The sudden deaths of his parents made him realize how tenuous lives can be, and cherishes what time he is allowed to spend with them like gems. His parents instilled in him a deep love and faith in God, and his faith in Him has never wavered. Even as he fled Madrid, running from the Inquisition, he saw them as lambs that had lost the way. Never did he blame the Lord for their misguidance.

He has a very deep understanding that he is not a creature of evil, and believes that He would never let him believe he was good and just if he were not.The word of God guides many of his actions and beliefs. He doesn’t believe he is good, just, and selfless because the Lord commands, but that he is a creature of God, and so he is God’s image in all things.

Powers/Abilities: Antonio is a vampire. In his world, this means something very different than it would in most other realities. He was never human. Was never turned. He was born, just like any human would be. He ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 4 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 05:57:20 UTC
Over half the world’s vampire population was wiped out by the Black Death, and half of the remainder by the Inquisition; a situation they’ve never recovered from, which can be attributed to their extremely long reproduction time. A female vampire only goes into cycle once every ten years or so. It has been estimated that roughly 800 vampires survived the Inquisition at all. As a result of this, in his 450 years of life, he’s met a handful of his own kind. Because of this, he’s convinced his destiny is to remain alone, and usually attempts to remain distant from other for fear of losing them.

He has a weakness for a woman with a bubbly personality, though, and it has been his downfall on more than one occasion. He becomes obsessed rather easily, to a point that could border on stalking. Once he gets something or someone ‘in his blood’ his mind will only focus on the object of that obsession. Work, friends, and hobbies fall to the wayside until his curiosity and/or fascination are satisfied.

World Background: Antonio's world is much ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 5 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 06:00:47 UTC
Vampires in Antonio’s world, at least the oldest, can trace their roots back to prehistory. Always creatures of seclusion, they were once much more monstrous in nature. Almost identical to humans in appearance save a slight sheen to the pupils in direct light, much like the eye-shine in a cat’s eyes, and a nearly unnoticeable elongation of the incisors at first glance. If one were to examine the teeth closely, they would find they would find the eye teeth to be thin and razor sharp. Contained within their saliva is a strong coagulant designs to keep their prey from bleeding out after feeding as well as adding a more viscous texture to the blood the consume. The saliva also contains a mild anesthetic, which renders the wound painless during feeding. Like snakes, they only have to feed once or twice a week ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 6 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 06:02:43 UTC
He learned many invaluable lessons from Leonardo: how to hide one’s actions in plain sight, how angles can be convinced to work with rather than against gravity to create structures that seem to defy gravity. Leonardo’s most important lesson, though, was that, regardless of the evils that plague all of society, there existed, still, genuinely good people, and good friends. Leonardo reawakened Antonio’s faith, both in God and in humanity ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 7 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 06:04:59 UTC
Prose sample: Unlike smaller parishes in smaller cities and towns, the Cathedral of St. Michael never closed its doors to those seeking the sanctuary of the Lord. Its vaulted ceilings and glittering stained glass depicting the saints were always there, warm and welcoming, promising shelter from the evils that lurked in the shadows. Antonio pushed the large oaken door open slowly, the hush of the chapel within demanding its reverent silence not be shattered by something as finite as a portal, and slipped inside. Immediately, the calm solitude of the Lord washed over him, calming his nerves. He felt the forgiving eyes of Mother Mary upon him, arms outstretched in love and understanding ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 8 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 06:07:16 UTC
“And what, Antonio, do you have to confess?” He voice was patient, kind. A silhouetted hand reached up and pulled back the screen as well, revealing in the confessional window the worried face of Antonio’s dearest friend. Father Jonathan Malcolm, not in the dusk of his life, had come to the Parrish of St. Michael’s as a young lad just out of seminary. Antonio had been at his first mass. John’s had reminded him of his first commissioned design: beautiful and solid, but rough around the edges, much like the man who’d designed it. Antonio watched him grow into a wonderful man, full of love and compassion, and a friend he’d remember for centuries ( ... )


Antonio Vega || Original Character || Part 9 charitaslamia July 24 2011, 06:09:28 UTC
“Oh, of course.” Antonio returned his attention to his story, to John. “He…he and I made an unspoken agreement to meet in the alley behind the club. I’m still uncertain as to how it was decided upon,” He said, looking a bit confused. “but we did. I made my way to that dark thoroughfare, and he joined me. When I asked how it was possible, he laughed, John.” The pain of a lost little boy filled his eyes ( ... )


ACCEPTED! sorvegliante July 24 2011, 17:44:02 UTC
Welcome to Pareidolia! Before you can start playing, we'd appreciate if you could first;

✦Fill in the form here to have your character listed on the taken characters.
✦Comment here to receive an apartment&room assignment and see who else you're roomed with!
✦Comment here with any contact information you wish to share with other players.
✦Join modo_pareidolia, parei_ooc and parei_logs.

You can then feel free to introduce yourself and start playing! Have fun!!

Game opens after 7 more applications.


sorvegliante August 2 2011, 22:30:33 UTC
This is just a reminder that you need to visit the above linked pages and leave comments in order to officially join the game.


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