
Jan 05, 2011 00:41

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Tobias Ashbury - OC - 2/? sheepinwolfskin July 19 2011, 16:27:49 UTC
Personality: Tobias has quite a complex personality. Often times, he is timid and quiet. He grew up in an environment where 'speak only when you are spoken to' was a strictly enforced rule, so he is very rarely a conversation starter and even when he is spoken to first, he is always careful what he says. Around others, especially those he doesn't know, Tobias will often act nervous - and when he's nervous, he fidgets a lot, playing with his necklace. There are occasions where he will speak his mind, though he tends to do it in his own quiet way.

In a lot of respects, Tobias is quite innocent and naive, mostly in that while he knows the way of the world, he doesn't understand it. He is still growing up and is very much a confused teenager stuck in a too-old body and unable to deal with the pressures of the world. But he is a curious person and he certainly has a lot of questions that he wants answering - some of which can't be found in the books that he loves so much. He hasn't done a lot with his life and he can seem reluctant to, something which has a lot to do with his fear to do anything that is wrong or bad in the eyes of society and people around him. And he certainly isn't a thrill seeker; he hates to do anything dangerous.

Probably one of his worst traits is his need to please people. He can be easily manipulated because of this, though when faced with a situation in which he has to do something against his morals, he is always torn between which option to take.

Having the responsibilities and pressures of his family shoved on him has shown Tobias that he isn't cut out to be a leader nor a killer. He finds it hard to face up to everything and to accept his role, and on many occasions he thinks about running away - but he doesn't.

Despite all this, he is a determined person who will stick at something until he gets it done. He is a hard worker and he is a quick learner; a smart kid that learned the hard way that being smart isn't the same as being wise.

Tobias is the type of person who seems to take being bullied and mistreated with a pinch of salt, but the truth is that things do get to him and he lets them build up. Sometimes, especially when certain subjects come up in conversation, he'll slip and he'll snap at people, or say something that he knows is particularly hurtful, but its very rare that on these occasions he isn't apologising profusely afterwards. When things get too much for him though, rational thought and morals escape him and he lashes out, taking his anger out often on those who don't deserve it; it is then that another side of Tobias, a side that he isn't proud of and tries to hide, comes out. This side of him is cold and ruthless and cares not for others; he is the egotistical, sadistic personification of his need for answers and truths. It is the wolf that hides within him.

It is an infrequent occurrence for him to lose control completely and most of the time, Tobias is just a sweet, nervous kid.


Tobias Ashbury - OC - 3/? sheepinwolfskin July 19 2011, 16:28:37 UTC
Powers/Abilities: Tobias is werewolf, and as such has access to a few abilities.

During a full moon, Tobias will become a monstrous creature, somewhere between a wolf and a man. When in this form, he has no control over himself, nor can anyone else control him; he is hunger and anger personified. He is also impervious to most forms of harm in this form. That isn't to say he can't be injured or even tranquillized - though it should be noted that attempts to do so will result in the creature becoming angrier. Finally, in this form, he will heal faster than normal. This will only happen one night a moon cycle.

Throughout the rest of a moon cycle, with the exception of a new moon, Tobias can change his form into that of a slightly larger than life wolf. In this form, he is more resilient to injuries, has a faster healing rate, and also has access to more physical strength. He also has complete control of this form - he can change at will and can control himself.

In his human form, Tobias is slightly stronger than a normal human of his size, though not stronger than humans in general and certainly not stronger than a vampire. Normally, he would have a faster healing rate than normal humans, however, due to his haemophilia, Tobias does not have this ability and in fact, his healing ability is less than a normal human. He also has much stronger senses than humans, including better night vision and detection of movement like in canines, though he is also red/green colour-blind.

World Background: Here.

History: Tobias was born in 2364, into a world torn apart by a war between two supernatural races, where humans are becoming a dying race. He was born at King's College Hospital London, one of the few remaining hospitals in the UK that functioned as it did before the vampire virus. Due to complications in his birth, not only did his mother die, but doctors discovered that Tobias was a severe haemophiliac. He spent his first seven years in the hospital because of his condition which meant that, because of a genetic disorder that caused a deficiency in an essential clotting factor, not even could a small bump lead to severe internal bleeding, but he experienced spontaneous bleeds that had no real cause.

While in hospital, Tobias was kept under the watchful eye of Nilaya, his nurse and first friend of sorts. Despite her surveillance and his careful upbringing by her, that included his lack of contact with the other children on the ward, he needed more than just a couple of blood transfusions.


Tobias Ashbury - OC - 4/? sheepinwolfskin July 19 2011, 16:29:09 UTC
His haemophilia was eventually brought under control by a schedule of prevention drugs and a portacath in his chest that allowed regular injections of supplementary factor VII, that were easy and safe. It also helped that as he grew older, his condition lessened in severity. This meant that he could be released from hospital to an orphanage.

His next nine years were spent in a large orphanage in the South London borough of Kingston. The orphanage wasn't the greatest, the children were ruled under strict guidelines with an iron fist, but for a child as quiet and obedient as Tobias, the time passed without incident. Despite how many children there were, Tobias only ever made one friend - Finn, a boy who was only a couple of weeks older than Tobias and, surprisingly, the polar opposite of him.

They were quiet years for him, spent mostly with his head inside one of the many books in the library, nurturing a thirst for knowledge that would stay with him forever. In the hospital, Tobias had seen only the grounds of the hospital and what little of the world he could see outside his sixth story window. He was shielded from the reality of the war that was ravaging the world, he was taught only simple things, how to read and write and do simple maths. In the orphanage, he attended classes and he was free to read as much as he wanted. Even then, what he was taught and what he learned from the books were only the basics, never going into detail - never mentioning the supernatural creatures.

So nothing could compare him for the reality of the world. In 2380, weeks after Tobias's sixteenth birthday, a coven of vampires attacked Kingston. They fed and killed almost the entirety of the small population of the borough, including many of the children in the orphanage. Unfortunately for them, the crazed vampires had timed their attack badly; they came on the night of a full moon, and two terrified young boys discovered precisely what they were.

They were werewolves, and because of the full moon, they transformed into monstrous creatures. In their new forms, they killed the vampires and some of the remaining humans - almost each other.

After that night, they spent the morning together in silence and then chose to go their separate ways. They parted without goodbyes.

Left to face this new world on his own, Tobias discovered just what his new abilities entailed. He was stronger than before, more aware that he had been his entire life - his senses were enhanced, he had fantastic night vision, could sense movement far better than before - he could also turn into a wolf almost whenever he wanted. But it came with a heavy cost - he became a murderous creature at the full moon, and there was innocent blood on his hands.


Tobias Ashbury - OC - 5/? sheepinwolfskin July 19 2011, 16:29:43 UTC
As he travelled, he learned to deal with his problem. It wasn't hard to find uninhabited areas after all. Not knowing what to do with his life, and with questions he needed answers to, he spent his time moving north through Britain, stopping in towns and cities where there were libraries and universities that hadn't been destroyed, books burned for fuel. He researched vampires and werewolves, the vampire virus and the state of the world before the war; he learned a lot, but could never quite understand how or why it had happened.

During his travels, he encountered a number of small groups of vampires, which he often ran from, except when he knew it was near a full moon and he knew he had a chance to win. He never encountered any werewolves though, so he decided to actively seek them - he had questions he needed the answers to after all.

It wasn't until 2387, when he was in the small 'book town' of Sedbergh in the Yorkshire Dales, that he finally found some werewolves. They approached him in a small bookshop in the town, and they had his answers.

His father had been the head, the alpha male, of the most important pack of werewolves in Britain, and his mother the alpha female. His father had been leading the war effort against vampires, particularly in Scotland where they were heavily based. Tobias was his heir, essentially werewolf royalty, and the werewolves needed him to take his place. He could barely believe it, even as he was swept up into a world of complex politics and war strategies that he barely understood.

Through the pack, he met one of the Elder vampires; a Roman named Ciro. The vampire had been close friends with Tobias's father and he easily fell into the role of the young werewolf's advisor and protector. Ciro's aid helped make Tobias's clumsy and confused leadership more effective - though it was clear that the pack would follow him no matter what. It was also Ciro's friendship that helped keep Tobias from running away the countless time he wanted to.

Still, Tobias understood what he needed to do, he just couldn't bring himself to justify it. He'd seen what evils the crazed, mutated vampires could commit, but he knew not all of the rebels had gone crazy and seeing what the other vampires could do, seeing that they weren't all intent on destroying the human race - he could never bring himself to kill, believing there would always be a chance they could change their ways.

The pack split into two groups in 2391. One group remained in England and the other travelled to Glasgow under Tobias and Ciro's leadership. There, Tobias met Caoife, a young Scottish bartender. She was saved from a pair of rebels vampires by Ciro six years previously, and had since been liaising with the vampires, sharing with them everything she learned while behind the bar in her pub. Tobias hit it off with Caoife and they quickly became close friends. Though Caoife wanted more than friendship, Tobias was oblivious to her advances.

Unfortunately, Caoife's involvement with the vampires and the pack lead to the rebels discovering the whereabouts of the pack's Glasgow hideout. They stormed the base under the ruins of the old Kelvingrove Museum on a new moon, when the werewolves were at their weakest. They killed many of them, leaving Tobias with only the sparse remains of a pack - and an even more serious problem.

During the attack, Tobias took a number of blows despite attempts to protect him. He was left with a number of flesh wounds that would have been inconsequential to an ordinary person, but for Tobias who still suffered from haemophilia, they were fatal - especially when coupled with a broken arm. Luckily the Western Infirmary, only moments away, was still staffed to some degree.

Tobias was admitted to the hospital and taken into intensive care - but his survival odds weren't great.


Tobias Ashbury - OC - 6/6 sheepinwolfskin July 19 2011, 16:30:33 UTC
Journal sample: {text}
Ahh, I hope I've figured out how to work this thing right! I'm so bad with technology! I apologise if I'm doing this wrong!

Uhm, well, hello everyone out there in internet-land!! I'm Tobias, nice to meet you all! :D

So I suppose I should talk about what I did today or something here, right? Well, I cleaned my apartment out and then sent a bunch of application forms in for jobs. I hope it goes okay and I'll have an interview some time soon! I don't have a super impressive resume but I guess my school grades aren't too bad and I'm good with my hands! Wish me luck!

Haha, I think I ran out of things to say, oops! I'll just go make my dinner!

Prose sample: Tobias woke in a bright white room that reeked of antiseptic and clean and blood. His head ached, pounding along with his heartbeat and he slowly lifted a hand to press against the forehead, his arm effectively shutting out all the light. If he was in this state, it would mean that he was in another accident; lately they'd been happening more and more and so he wasn't really surprised. He had to say, he was rather disappointed by the absence of blood-and-brain-juice soup leaking from his ear.

Laying there for a long five minutes, he listened carefully to the murmur of voices almost drowned out by the buzz of machines around him. The noise irritated him, especially when he heard his name pronounced horribly by someone with a thick, drawling foreign accent that he couldn't place (possibly French). What was so difficult about the name Tobias Ashbury? If he had a name that was more suited to the century he'd been born in, maybe he wouldn't mind so much but everyone seem to pronounce it wrong.

Sitting up, he pulled the long, thick IV needle out of his arm - hadn't anyone told them about his condition? - and tossed it aside. Dark crimson liquid ran down his arm and dripped onto the floor as he sat then stood; left a trail of pink puddles on the white tiles as he walked to the window and opened it fully.

He quickly began to feel faint, but the cool evening air helped to keep him awake. He had to get back to the pack, make sure the survivors were okay. With careful precision, he leapt out of the window, his form changing as he fell, from human to a large, grey wolf. As he landed, he felt his wounds knitting together - his wolf form was oblivious to his genetic disease, somehow it worked past it - and then he was bounding into the night, following a scent on the wind.

Anything else: I don't think so...


ACCEPTED sorvegliante July 20 2011, 12:03:49 UTC
Welcome to Pareidolia! Before you can start playing, we'd appreciate if you could first;

✦Fill in the form here to have your character listed on the taken characters.
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You can then feel free to introduce yourself and start playing! Have fun!!

Game opens after 9 more applications.


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