Hello all. New here, directed by
lovebuggin. Enjoy my first post!
Medium: Books (and to-be Movie)
Fandom: Twilight
Subject: Jacob and Bella's torrid love affair
Title: Because She Likes It Doggy Style
Warnings: Sexual content, though no spoilers (unless you count the origin of how this mix came to be, and in that case I doubt you've read even the second book, so you can just skip that part if you want)
Notes: First of all, cross-posted, so sorry if it spams up your friends list. Second, I thought I should tell you about the origin. Which I will tell you after the cut. And PLEASE PLEASE REALIZE! that yes, I am being partially sarcastic. I'm a total Bella/Edward shipper. This was just begging to be done.
Here @ my personal journal