So, we all know what's coming. The moment we've all been dreading since the moment we heard the movie was greenlit. The Story Which Shall Not Be Named releases tomorrow.
We each have an individual choice to make: either to block out the horror, or embrace it and find the silver lining. By which I mean epic gallows humor.
I hope I'm not stepping on any mod toes here, but I figured we ought to have a thread. A place to post reactions for those poor bastards among us who will be staggering drunkenly into the theater and coming out wondering if it was all a hallucination. A place to link to the best, most cutting reviews and blog posts. In short, a place to laugh it all off as best we can, because we know that some of the most brilliant stuff EVER has come out of anti-fan reactions. And hell, you never know, maybe someone will have something good to say. It could happen, right?
Also, I'm proposing a betting pool. The
Rotten Tomatoes reviews are already coming in. I figure we should place bets on what the final freshness rating will be (it currently stands at 22%). We'd play for bragging rights. My bet is on 18%.
Sound good to anyone?