Week #184 Voting Post!!

Dec 31, 2013 03:59

It's Voting Time!

Please read the voting rules:
1. Do not vote for yourself and do not ask others to vote for you.
2. If you entered the challenge, you are required to vote.
3. Please vote for a MOST and SECOND favorite drabble. If you do not fill out the entire poll, your vote will not be counted.
4. Please vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, not the name of it. Just makes it easier on the mod :)
5. Please remember the prompt must when voting: Silver and Gold

Results will be posted on Friday along with a new challenge. Have fun!

Feedback: yes
Title: Wrackspurts
Words: 291
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Luna opened the door to the Room of Requirement and saw Hermione Granger alone with her wand out, decorating the bookshelves of the DA headquarters, hanging silver and gold baubles on strings from the dusty shelves. They were half-falling like stars and moons. Luna looked vaguely around, noticing the Wrackspurts that floated invisibly and she felt one pass between her and Hermione.

Hermione was a very nice person but she could never see magic unless it was explained by theory and explicable in ten different stages in practice. Well, Luna had to try.

“Hermione, hum loudly and squeeze your tongue to the roof of your mouth,” Luna smiled her protubreant-eyed smile.

“Luna, I didn't hear you come in. Well, is something blibbering again?” Hermione sounded as if her temper were rather short.

Luna shook her head solemnly. “Wrackspurt just entering your head. You should have listened to me.”

“What? I don't understand you, Luna. Do you need help with something?” Hermione was looking her usual irritated self.

“Clearly it's already working, your mind has gone fuzzy.”

Hermione lurched forward and the string of silver and gold baubles slid down their silken rope and shattered on the floor.

“My concentration!” Hermione snapped.

“See?” Luna produced Hermione's wand apparently out of thin air in her hand. “You're not on top of things. It's a Wrackspurt.”

“How did you get my wand?” Disbelief was written all over Hermione's features. She stared at Luna and her straggly blonde hair.

“Oh, a Blibbering Humdinger told me. Here's your wand. You want hard evidence and there it is! I hope you see now!” Luna looked offhand.

Luna took Hermione's hand and held it high, twirled under it in a dance, and meandered out of the Room again.

Feedback: Yes, please!
Title: Hermione Has News
Words: 275
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

“You’re going to… to…” Ron sputtered, staring at her wide-eyed. “marry him?”

Hermione kept her chin up while their eyes bore into her. Harry’s mouth hung open, and Ron looked like he was about to fall over from the shock. Still, she held her ground and waiting for the weight of it to sink in.

“But he’s old.” Ron said.

“Not that old. And besides, men mature much later than women.” She raised an eyebrow at Ron, who didn’t seem to grasp the point.

“He’s about fifty years older than you.”

Hermione scoffed. “Not quite, Ron. He’s not exactly walking with a cain yet.”

“Won’t be but a couple of year, though, will it?”

She put her hands on her hips. “Oh, come now, you two. Can’t you be even a tiny bit happy for me.” She turned her head with a glare. “Harry?”

Harry was quiet. He inhaled deeply and flopped back heavily in his seat. “Do you love him?”

Ron turned to stare at him. “What does that have anything to do with it?”

Hermione smiled, twirling the silver band around her finger. “Yes,” she admitted quietly… blushing. She thought of Severus’ matching gold one.

“And he loves you back?” Harry asked.

Hermione didn’t even have to consider it. “Of course,” she whispered.

“Well, that settles it, then.” Harry stood and went to the cabinet, rummaging about and muttering about Kreacher moving things around again… When he emerged, he held a bottle of wine that was already opened and re-corked. “It’s all I’ve got here,” he said as he also pulled out three mismatched cups, “but it’ll do for a toast.” He grinned.


Voter Feedback Option

Voters now have the option of leaving a short statement about the drabble you voted for and why you voted that way. Feedback will then be given ANONYMOUSLY to the writer. Comments are screened if voters wish to leave additional feedback on any of the drabbles.

For example:
MOST Favorite:
#21 - Loved the humor, made me laugh

SECOND Most Favorite:
#42 - Characters were OOC

Poll SHD Week 86:snarry

mod!post, week 184:granger

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